Used in (114 in total)
people; men and women; each person; everybody
another person; other people; unrelated person (i.e. not related by blood); outsider; stranger
lover; sweetheart; boyfriend; girlfriend
merchant; trader; tradesman; dealer; shopkeeper
(fictional) fusion of human and animal; therianthrope; furry; human beast
amateur; layman; respectable woman (i.e. not a prostitute, hostess, geisha); (arch.) unlicensed prostitute
traveller; traveler; wayfarer; tourist
corpse; dead person
pair of lovers; girlfriend and boyfriend
ordinary person; untitled individual
child; small person; dwarf; midget; narrow-minded person; mean person
foreigner (esp. one of European ancestry); gaijin; (arch.) outsider
aristocrat; nobleman; dignitary; person of high rank
thief; robber
assistant (esp. in show business or sumo); attendant; chaperon
mountain folk; hermit; mountain wizard; word used as part of a pseudonym by artists, writers, etc.
dancer (esp. a bugaku dancer)
young person
loved one; lover; sweetheart
person being waited for; person who waits
indigenous person; inhabitant of a country; local; native; local lords and samurai; daimyo who did not leave his domains to meet the shogun in Kyoto (during the Muromachi period)
keeper of imperial archives; worker skilled in the brewing of sake or soy sauce
no one at all; no one, who he or she may be
villager; village folk; countryfolk
hermit; recluse
ruler of the whole country; person who holds the reins of government
many people; everyone; all sorts of people
anyone; any person; whoever
holding hands with fingers interlocked
sponsor; manager; go-between; mediator; agent; caretaker
missing person; wanted person
courtier; court official
couple who are more than friends, but not in an intimate relationship
sinner; evildoer; wrongdoer
visitor from afar; joy-bringing spirit from the divine realms
assistant (esp. in show business or sumo); attendant; chaperon
residents of the capital; townsfolk
the guilty are audacious; show remorse when you are in the wrong
whichever person (indefinite pronoun); everyone; every person; all
the feeling between (new) lovers
(noble) courtier
(poetic) author
(no matter) who; everyone; anyone; nobody
dream chaser; dreamer
person who steals flowers (esp. cherry blossoms)
sailor; boatman; passenger
country dweller
skillful tanka poet; official in charge of court poetry and music (ritsuryo period); poet
lineal descendant; clan member
person who sees someone else off (e.g. at the airport)
heavenly being; celestial being; celestial nymph; celestial maiden
the oppressed; downtrodden people
the wrongdoer never lacks a pretext; even thieves have their reasons
author unknown; anonymous
person who goes to greet someone (e.g. at the airport)
chef; head cook
captive; prisoner
worker; good worker
Kyoto inhabitant
blessed people; favored people (favoured); privileged people
cherry blossom viewer; cherry blossom admirer
thievish nature (character); thieving heart; cunning and greedy character
person who has a fortune of at least one hundred million yen
seaside dweller
there's a reason behind every action; (lit.) a burglar's midday nap (is taken so that he can rob people's houses in the night)
perpetual traveller (traveler); permanent traveller; permanent tourist
Nazarene (native of Nazareth, esp. Jesus Christ)
thieving cat; adulterer; homewrecker
rustler; cattle thief
Levite; member of the Hebrew tribe of Levi (who served a religious function)
Chinese person; Korean person
lonesome person; unwanted person; poverty-stricken person
carrying a casket; carrying something (in a group) on one shoulder, as if it were a casket (considered an ill-omened way to carry something)
the sand on the beach may disappear, but the makings of thieves never shall
countryfolk; villager; provincial; greedy person; underclass; low-standing person
Epistle to the Hebrews (book of the Bible); Letter to the Hebrews; Hebrews
the deceased; old friend
taking a cut from a thief's plunder; vile deed
dwarf-throwing; dwarf-tossing; midget-tossing
the doting parent's purse is plundered; (lit.) the thief caught turns out to be one's own son
person who likes alcohol and sweets equally well; person who can drink much alcohol without becoming tipsy
pygmy hippopotamus (Choeropsis liberiensis)
traveller's tree (Ravenala madagascariensis); traveller's palm
little penguin (Eudyptula minor); fairy penguin
pygmy hog (Porcula salvania)
tucuxi (Sotalia fluviatilis)
go-between; matchmaker
this present body; this present existence; this mortal frame; layperson; non-ordained person
walker; person going by foot
guard; watchman
person of letters; poet
Japanese people
useless fellow; down-and-out person; dead person
capricious person; fickle person; stylish person
government official (esp. one of low to medium rank); public servant
someone who is fast asleep
city market seller; merchant; city resident
person in charge of the brewing of sacrificial wine
wrestler; rikishi