Used in (984 in total)
head (of a household); proprietor (of a store); one's husband; (one's) employer; (one's) master; host
claim; insistence; assertion; advocacy; emphasis; contention
master; Your lordship; My lord; husband
protagonist; main character; hero(ine) (of a story); head of household
(present) head of a family
shopkeeper; storekeeper; proprietor of a shop
your husband; her husband
doctrine; rule; principle; -ism
leading part; leading actor; leading actress
person in charge; senior staff; manager; chief; head
lord; master
saviour; savior; messiah
(one's) master; Lord; the main thing; the majority
housewife; mistress (of the house); homemaker
chief; main; principal; major
household head; master; host (e.g. of a tea gathering); husband
sponsorship (i.e. conducting under one's auspices); promotion; organizing; organising; hosting; staging
main force; chief object; mainline
main constituent; core; nucleus; subject (philosophical); protagonist
ruler; monarch; sovereign
(parasitic) host; landlord; innkeeper
subjectivity; subject (philosophical); ego; one's personal opinion; one's own idea
lord of a castle
mainly; chiefly; primarily; for the most part
leadership; initiative; spearhead
main battery; main armament
master and servant; lord and retainer; employer and employee
hegemony; leadership; initiative
mistress (of the house); hostess; landlady; proprietress
starring (in a film, play, etc.); playing the leading part
independent; autonomous; voluntary; of one's own initiative
(the) mainstream; main course (of a river); main stream
attending physician; physician in charge; (one's) family doctor
main building (of a villa, palace, etc.)
leader (of an alliance); leading power
sponsor; promoter; impresario; organizer; organiser
founder of a religious sect
subject; theme; motif
advocate (of a theory or principle); ideologist; -ist (i.e. adherent to a belief system); (arch.) socialist; (arch.) communist
principal offence; principal offense; principal offender
independence; autonomy; self-reliance
communism; collectivism
head; chief; chairman; governor; top seat; first desk (in orchestra)
commander-in-chief; supreme commander; captain (of a team)
main; principal; chief; primary; major
feudal lord; daimyo
paymaster; accountant
main guest; guest of honor; guest of honour
king; sovereign; daimyo
democracy; popular sovereignty; Democratic Party (esp. DPJ)
employer's house; master's house
the relation of master to servant
advocacy of war
voluntary training; voluntary practice; free practice
autonomy; independence
merit system (as opposed to seniority); meritocracy; ability-ism
to take the lead (in doing); to take the initiative; to be the leader
meaning; point (e.g. of a statement); gist; effect
opportunism; double standards; timeserving; expediency
Lord of Heaven; God
bishop (Orthodox, Anglican, etc.)
main spindle; main shaft; linchpin; pivot; principal axis; main axis
sovereignty; supremacy; dominion
supervision; superintendence; chairmanship; chairman
individualism; egoism; selfishness
main theater of war; principal battlefield
main purpose; primary objective
head of year; teacher in charge of all classes for a whole year
main purpose; chief aim; focus; main point; gist; essence
the Creator; Maker
democratization; democratisation
main wings (of an aeroplane, airplane)
one's principles and position
main force; main troops
independence of will or action; self-direction; autonomy; initiative; identity
principle of laissez-faire
independent; responsible; active; subjective
independent training (e.g. of athletes working without a coach)
mostly involve; principally involve
househusband; stay-at-home dad
ruler's orders; master's orders
host and guest; principal and auxiliary; subject and object (philosophical); subject and object
usurper; tyrant
egoism; egotism; selfishness
(principle of) letting sleeping dogs lie; peace-at-any-price; don't rock the boat
archbishop (Orthodox, Anglican, etc.)
main bedroom; master bedroom
rancher; cattleman; person who owns or runs a ranch
sailor; seaman
Democratic Party (esp. DPJ or US Democratic Party); Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan
chief mourner
chief umpire; referee (soccer, boxing, etc.)
main ingredient; main component
domineering husband; hectoring husband; husband who rules the roost
absolute monarch; despot; autocrat; tyrant
voluntary training; voluntary practice; free practice
primary star
head (of a university department); chairperson
people close to the head man
main dish (e.g. meat, fish, but not rice); principal dish
heroine; female protagonist
island chief
spiritualism; idealism
humanism; humanitarianism
voluntary restraints; self-limitation
main meaning; opinion; idea; aim; motive; gist
meritocracy; merit system
full-time househusband; stay-at-home dad
owner of a horse (esp. racehorse); registered owner (of a racehorse)
democratic government
the text; the main clause; the main part of a document
leading product; flagship product; top product
democracy; democratic system of government
(doctrine of) anarchism
independent production (e.g. of a film)
main attack
young owner; young proprietor
president; chairman
to serve a master; to serve one's employer faithfully
democratic nation; democratic country
behaviorism; behaviourism; activism
one's chief (literary) work; main work
chief editor; managing editor; manager; person in charge
empiricism; judging things from personal experience
manager; director; superintendent; overseer
war advocacy; jingoism; bellicose argument
storekeeper; shopkeeper; proprietor of a shop
housewife demographic; housewives
preconception; prejudice
to think of as the main point; to make the main purpose; to put the focus on
head of a household
jus sanguinis; principle that citizenship is determined by that of one's parents
(head) priest; head priest of the Ise Shrine
state socialism; Nazism; national socialism
donor; benefactor; chief mourner; client (of a builder, etc.)
democracy; democratic nation
financial backer; financial supporter
ringleader; mastermind; leader (of a plot)
the n-th generation head of a family
nationalism; statism
owner of a brothel or restaurant
illuminism; enlightenment
one's former master
investor; stockholder
one-man business; sole proprietor; sole proprietorship; individual owner-manager
host; toastmaster
nominative case
central pillar; principal post; backbone of a society or community
high priest
sponsor of a meeting
absolutism; despotism
primary cause; main factor
nationalism; patriotism
bottom-up approach to management; on-the-spot decision-making; hands-on approach (policy, etc.)
owner of a hermitage; abbess; prioress; nun in charge of a Buddhist convent
voluntary singlehood (as a principle or creed); singlehood by choice
principal stations
nationalism; extreme patriotism
business operator
chief examiner or investigator
familism; the treatment of society (an organization) as a family
sovereignty of the people
(the principle of) nonresistance
homekeeping; housekeeping; housewifery
Expressionism; representationalism
symbolism (19th-century artistic movement)
individualist; egoist; selfish person
independent training (e.g. of athletes working without a coach)
anti-mainstream faction; fringe group; dissident group
skepticism; scepticism
(arch.) secretary (lowest of the four administrative ranks of the ritsuryo system); shrine official (ranking below a negi)
farmer; agriculturalist
business owner; entrepreneur
advocacy; promotion
constitutional monarchy; limited monarchy
supervision; management; supervisor; manager
art for art's sake; l'art pour l'art; ars gratia artis
sovereignty of the people
principle of living only for the moment
main city (of a district, province, etc.); major city
principal raw material; main raw material
chairman of the Aikikai (Aikido World Headquarters)
owner of a company; head of a company
(Catholic) church; cathedral
unowned; unpossessed
chief investigator; head of the investigation; lead investigator
principles underpinning an agriculturally based economy
the Lord's name (esp. in Christianity)
aestheticism; estheticism
results-oriented approach; resultism; belief in results
principal countries
the Lord's Prayer
ego; self
farm owner; plantation owner
democratic movement; movement towards democracy
keynote; predominant element; main point
state sovereignty; national sovereignty
intuitionism; intuitionalism
main ingredients; chief materials
head; leader; top; (arch.) important part
executives; top management; governing body
worship of the powerful
Nondenominationalism (a Japanese Christian group)
voluntary recall (e.g. of faulty goods)
leading advocate; important proponent; strong advocator
serving a master; employee
person in charge; competent (authority, minister, etc.)
exclusivism; exclusionism
main complaint
(Roman) Catholicism
former master; late master
satanism; devil worship
Liberal Democratic Party; LDP; Free Democratic Party (Germany); FDP
spiritism; spiritualism
master of religious ceremonies
one-state socialism (Stalinist theory); socialism in one country
mammonist; money-worshipper
severe punishment policy; zero-tolerance policy; draconianism
the highest peak
antiforeignism; exclusionism; exclusivism; chauvinism
constitutionalism; rule of law; legalism
plotting; planning (crime, intrigue); ringleader; mastermind; leader (of a plot)
main part; complete subject; grammatical subject
autonomous (national) defence; self-reliant defence
sponsoring nation
(Sun Yat-sen's) Three Principles of the People
samurai attached to a daimyo
big family principle; extended family policy
main parts; main components
the Orient for the Orientals
anti-mainstream; fringe
Monroe Doctrine; Monroeism
head priest of temple formerly led by founder of sect
reversing the order of (relative) importance (of); putting the cart before the horse; the tables being turned; mistaking the insignificant for the essential; mistaking the means for the end
white supremacy; white supremacism
principal offender
(national) isolationism; isolation policy
Machism (philosophical ideas of Ernst Mach)
communist regime; communist government
main memory; main storage
main parachute
(Japanese) Tax Bureau
person in charge; manager; chief; head
democratic state; (a) democracy
tonic; keynote
one's master's business; necessary business; major errands
great ruler
primary business; primary function; primary focus
sectarianism; sectionalism
extremism; radicalism
collectivism (giving priority to a group rather than any individual member)
main memory; primary storage
German Democratic Republic (i.e. former East Germany)
housewife who works part-time
principal agent (in a medicine)
(governmental) supervisor of teachers
sovereignty of the people
diversionary tactics; concealing one's true motives until the last moment
chief producing center; chief producing centre
main battle area
movie in which ... has the starring role
proprietor of a school
demerit system; points-off system
The Lord's Prayer
main mountain range; midrib; costa; main vein (leaf)
part-time mom; working mother
initiative taken by politicians (in the formulation of a policy or bill) (rather than by bureaucrats)
opportunism; expediency
separatism; secessionism
head; chief; boss; leader
first place; head position; leading position
head; leading spirit
the Sabbath; the Lord's Day
self-management; self-imposed control
temple petitioner
major newspaper; leading newspaper; widely circulated newspaper
principle of reciprocity
nulla poena sine lege; no punishment without law
family-oriented way of life; family-first way of life; cocooning
gradualism; slow-and-steady policy
vice president (of China); vice chairman
the principle of honorable death and no surrender
primary rainbow
politics of the people (democratic theory of Sakuzō Yoshino, 1878-1933)
Herrenmoral (master morality, as a philosophical concept of Nietzsche)
direct examination; examination-in-chief
evangelicalism; evangelism
Islamism; political Islam; Islamic fundamentalism
anticommunism; anti-communism
chief abbot (of a Buddhist temple)
moneymaking orientation
economic unit; economic agent; economic entity
the husband is always the last to know; everyone knows of the wife's infidelity but the cuckolded husband
dictatorship; despotism
main sequence star; main sequence stars
the favor (favour) of one's master
one's main profession
principal clause
backward-looking philosophy (ideology); conservatism
policy favouring major powers; policy of great powers favorable only to themselves
democratic form of government
egoism; love of self
governing by law and reason rather than by military force
principle of virtuous government; virtue as the principle of good government
classicism; primitivism
humanism; humanitarianism
standardization; standardisation
performer of an action; agent; actor
star; leading actor
independent way of life
the "three noes principle" of no drive, no interest, and no sense of responsibility; principle of indolence, indifference, and irresponsibility
local warriors, or provincial or district officials, who developed paddy field lands
experimentalism (philosophy, esp. Dewey); experientialism
main point; keynote
principle of territorial jurisdiction
regionalism; sectionalism; localism
movie in which ... has the starring role
transcendentalism (literary style); Parnassianism
White Australia Policy (pre-1965 Australian immigration policy)
head position
democracy (as propounded by Sun Yat-sen)
initiative taken by bureaucrats in the drafting of government policies and bills (rather than by politicians)
jus soli; (principle of) birthright citizenship
the Sabbath; the Lord's Day
sectarianism; sectionalism
jus soli; (principle of) birthright citizenship
voluntary liquidation; voluntary closure (of business)
state capitalism; national capitalism
self interest supremacy doctrine; (irresponsible) capitalism
main storage; main memory
Neue Sachlichkeit (German art movement); New Objectivity
Christian Democratic Union (Germany); Christian Democrats; CDU
primary factor; main cause
principle (or ideology) of international cooperation
flag state principle
New Democracy (concept devised by Mao Zedong)
the principle of see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil; the policy of "see-not, hear-not, and speak-not"
principal agent (in a medicine)
to relieve someone of the leading role
manorial system; manorialism
Ark of the Lord
subject; topic
ultraconservative doctrine; ultraconservative policy
main girder
eudaemonism; eudemonism
main root; taproot
the principle of pleasing everyone; make-everybody-happy policy
principle of nationality (according to which an offender should be tried in accordance with the law of his or her own country)
(principle of) self-sufficiency
independent development
staple food; main article of diet
war communism (Russia, 1918-1921); military communism
Democratic Liberal Party (1948-1950)
predominant color; predominant colour
even an eccentric head of family must be obeyed
restoration of sovereignty
main signal; traffic signal
primary mirror (of a telescope); main mirror
final cutting (of trees); regeneration cutting
subject and predicate
cost basis; cost principle
ritualism; ceremonialism
rights accruing to the head of a household (according to laws now obsolete)
slapdash approach; rough-and-ready method; speed-before-quality policy
laying low, awaiting one's chance
castle tower
summit meeting; top-level conference
leadership conference; summit meeting; top-level conference
subject (of a portrait or bust); a person posing for a portrait or bust; (historically) patron; someone who commissions a Buddhist temple or work of art
the main thing
Juche (North Korean political ideology)
principal component analysis; PCA
voluntary export restraint; VER
people's democratic dictatorship (e.g. Maoism)
policy of alignment with the United Nations; UN-centrism
system of self-management; honour system
retired husband syndrome; stress syndrome resulting from one's husband being at home
the cabinet minister in charge
tokenism; appearance for appearance's sake
key customers; key customer; major clients; major client
rice not subject to government controls
independent guideline
first-to-invent principle (in patent law); first-to-invent system
principle of national self-determination
market price basis; market price principle
banking principle; banking doctrine
first-to-file principle (in patent law); first-to-file system
prices of staple commodities
advocacy of consumer rights (product safety, accurate labelling, etc.); consumer activism; consumer advocacy; consumer spending; high levels of consumption
essential elements of information
home room (in a school)
master key
(former) Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic; Georgian SSR; GSSR
principal diagonal; main diagonal
(belief in the desirability of) education by rote learning
creophagism; creophagy; carnism
monarchical sovereignty
currency principle; currency doctrine
ability-to-pay principle (of taxation)
anti-communism, anti-capitalism, anti-fascism (policy of the Socialist Masses Party)
social constructionism; social constructivism
(parasitic) host
management familism; paternalistic management; family management style organizational philosophy
head priest (at a Buddhist temple)
strategy of close-quarters fighting
doyen of the diplomatic corps
chief justice of the Court of Final Appeal of Hong Kong
principle of nonalignment; nonalignment policy
Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan (2017-); Constitutional Democratic Party (Russia, 1905-1917)
retributivism; retributive justice; principle of punitive justice; belief that crimes deserve suitable punishment
MDF; Main Division Frame
Store owner, at your service; Yours truly, the Store Owner
neo-romanticism; neoromanticism
academic socialism; professorial socialism
chief effect (of a medicine)
Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste (East Timor)
system under which schoolteachers are assigned additional administrative duties
master station
retributivism; retributive justice; principle of punitive justice; belief that crimes deserve suitable punishment
main reinforcement (in a reinforced-concrete structure)
philanthropinism; educational system established by J. B. Basedow
principal value
early phase of the shoin-zukuri residential architecture style
regional sovereignty reform (decentralization of power to local governments)
most-read newspaper (in a region)
coefficient of active earth pressure
principal penalty
deliberative democracy; discursive democracy
meritocracy; performance-based system; achievement-based system
wise master
principal chain; main chain; backbone chain
(Sun Yat-sen's) Three Principles of the People
livestock owner; animal farmer
territorial sovereignty
archaism; pseudoclassicism
inclusionism; inclusivism
exclusionism; exclusivism
infringement of sovereignty
main bath (i.e. in a bathhouse)
principle of being fair and just; fair and unbiased policy (unbiassed)
worship or admiration of Western cultures
Japanism; Japanese nationalistic ideological movement
to find a new master
nominal holder of an allocated rice field (ritsuryo system)
master; main character; protagonist