totteringly; with tottering steps; toddling
(one's) whereabouts; destination; where one is headed; outcome; course (of events); future
this and that; such and such
permission; approval; authorization; to permit; to authorize
side road; byroad; digression (e.g. from argument)
remarks; comments; way of talking; speaking style; excuse; topic (of conversation)
humanity; empathy; kindness; human nature; common sense; customs and manners
monitoring; watching; observation; surveillance; guarding; supervision
the way there; outbound leg; bound for ...; outbound ticket
to take the lead; to lead a group; to be in the vanguard
swing; shake; appearance; behaviour; pretence (pretense); show; going to restaurant, hotel etc. without a reservation or introduction
exorbitant; outrageous; ridiculous; absurd; excessive; inordinate
bizarre; strange; eccentric; odd; queer
bugling (sound); honking; grumbling; complaining; car; automobile
to groan; to moan; to roar; to howl; to hum (engine, wind, etc.); to buzz; to ooh and aah (in admiration)
effect; result; worth; Kai (former province located in present-day Yamanashi Prefecture)
faithful; devoted; loyal; honest; true
popular use; circulation; to pass as; to pass for
special; particular; extraordinary; exceptional; especial
in addition; furthermore; above (which); on top of (which)
reason; logic; sense; truth; right
to lend an ear; to hearken; to give an ear to; to listen carefully
to show; to bare (the teeth)
cowardly; timid; easily frightened
easily; effortlessly; changing completely; plink (sound of something light falling or rolling)
fine weather; fair weather
to avoid (situation); to ward off; to avert
to be found; to be discovered
damp; humid; wet; gloomy; melancholy
consideration; concern; fear; worry; solicitude
fallen leaves; leaf litter; falling leaves