to keep (a person) waiting
sedan chair bearer; palanquin bearer; sedan chair business
to astonish; to astound; to stupefy; to flabbergast; to strike a person dumb; to dumbfound
haori (Japanese formal coat)
stern; grave; austere; strict (e.g. security); severe; firm
to surpass the rest (e.g. of a large group); to stand out from the crowd; to be the best by far
to be inferior to; to be less good at; to fall behind
to cling to; to hold on to; to grapple; to set about doing; to begin; to take hold of
underling; person of low standing; grunt; petty (work, official, etc.); minor; lowly
curtain; bunting; act (in play)
eminent; prominent; distinguished; ringing (of metal); resonant (of a musical instrument)
ranking wrestler in the makuuchi (senior-grade) or juryo (junior-grade) divisions
resorting (coming) to fisticuffs; coming to blows; settling with violence
to be seething (with anger); to be frenzied; to be menacing; to be murderous
outstanding; excellent; exceptional; preeminence; distinction; extraordinariness
frantic; frenetic; inevitable death; brinkmate (inevitable checkmate)
(dragging a large or heavy item) slowly; (falling) little by little; (slipping) gradually; on and on; while putting off; with a slurp
terrific; staggering; tremendous; frightful; ghastly; horrific
casting; cast-metal object
size; large and small (sizes); various sizes; daishō (matched pair of long and short swords); large and small drums; long months and short months; sic bo (Macao dice game)
if it is not ...; if it does not ...
to pull out; to draw out; to omit; to leave out; to do to the end; to carry through; to let out (e.g. air from a tyre)
to kick; to refuse; to reject; to stamp (on the ground); to firmly press one's feet (against something)
to strike; to hit; to beat; to punch
literally; to the letter; literal
beating someone up by ganging up on them; facing a barrage of criticism
(wrestling) ring; forum (e.g. for discussion); sandbag; gabion
bout (in sports, etc.); match; effort; initiative; dealing with
trade; business; commerce; occupation; calling; profession
emotionally uplifting; stirring
(committing, resorting to) an act of violence
three highest ranks (wrestling, unions, etc.); three parts; three divisions
body; group; party; gang; troupe; troop
groan; moan; roar; howl; hum (e.g. motor); buzz (e.g. bee, wire in wind)
thirst for blood; bloodlust; determination to kill
to meet; to encounter; to see; to have an accident; to have a bad experience
previously; already; for some time; for quite a while