there's no (other) way; cannot be helped; unavoidable; it's no use (doing); pointless; hopeless (person)
to have no chance (of succeeding)
contract; compact; agreement
head (of a household); proprietor (of a store); proprietress; (arch.) entertaining someone as one's guest
to disappear (of people or animals); to go (away); to leave; to no longer exist
whether or not (in phrases like "I don't know whether or not I can come")
blood; blood; ancestry; (the) blood; feelings
companion; partner; spouse
at the most; at best; to the utmost; as much as possible; as much as one can
service; help; discount; discounted item; free service; freebie; service
best; extra-fine; superfine; exceptionally; extraordinarily; by far
rich (in flavor, color, smell, etc.); thick; very likely; highly possible; passionate; hot
lie; fib; mistake; error; unwise move; bad decision
by no means; never!; something unexpected; emergency; (arch.) currently; (arch.) for the time being
forcibly; against one's will
to approach; to draw near; to be imminent; to press (someone for something); to urge; to compel
dissolute; dissipated; licentious; slovenly; untidy; messy
to repeat; to do something over again
transformation; abnormality; sexual perversion; pervert; metamorphosis; transformation
imagination; supposition; guess
please (give me); please (do for me)
in short; in a word; to sum up; to put it simply; to make a long story short; after all
no problem; all right; not an issue; unobjectionable
best; extra-fine; exceptionally; extraordinarily; jumping and slashing (e.g. at an enemy)
the world; society; sphere; circle; world-renowned; world-famous
completely; absolutely; totally; (not) at all
control (of a machine, device, etc.); control (over an opponent, one's emotions, etc.); governing; management
exactly; surely; right then; just then; just (about to); on the verge (of doing or happening)
pearls thrown before swine; unused possession; useless possession; waste of talent
opposition; rivalry; competition; antagonism
theory; reason; logic; (unreasonable) argument; strained logic; excuse
from the standpoint of; as a matter of (e.g. fact); aboard (a ship or vehicle); on top of; first volume (e.g. book); superior quality; best
unfortunately; sorry, but ...
he; she; that person; that; that one; that thing
to think of; to hit upon; to come into one's mind; to remember; to recall
reward; compensation; collateral; security; turning to look behind
to teach; to instruct; to tell; to inform; to preach
there's no (other) way; cannot be helped; unavoidable; it's no use (doing); pointless; hopeless (person)
kneeling down on the ground; prostrate oneself
any; anything; whatever; I am told; I hear; I understand
disagreeable; detestable; unpleasant; reluctant
ramen; Chinese-style noodles
to eat; to live on (e.g. a salary); to live off; to subsist on
I see; that's right; indeed