to shoot (at); to attack; to defeat; to destroy
to be called ...; to be referred to as ...
to have a lot on one's shoulders; to bear a lot of responsibility
in comparison to; rather than
to board; to embark on; to get into (a car); to march into; to enter
very; greatly; much; just about to; almost; very nearly
to be (in contrast to something that is not the case)
10,000; ten thousand; myriad; everything; all; (arch.) various
armed forces; military; troops
but; however; (and) yet; nevertheless; still; for all that
beginning; start; first (in line, etc.); origin; such as ...; not to mention ...
first-person plural (or singular); second or third person plural (implies speaker is of higher status than those referred to)
to stop; to turn off; to park; to prevent; to suppress (a cough); to stop (someone from doing something); to dissuade
root; origin; source; Ōmoto (religion)
to sever; to cut off; to suppress; to eradicate; to abstain (from); to give up
to take care of; to bring up under one's personal care; to kill with one's own hands; to do personally; to handle (e.g. a job); to request that someone deal with (something)
now that you mention it; come to think of it; that reminds me; on that subject; speaking of which
I wonder; should I?; is it?; I wish that; I hope that
suburb; residential area on the outskirt of a city; commuter belt
to go; to move (in a direction or towards a specific location); to proceed; to take place; to pass through; to come and go; to walk
to be tied together; to be connected to; to lead to; to be related to; to be related (by blood)
honest; frank; candid; honestly; frankly
remainder; remnant; (not) very; (not) much; too much; excessively
to go smoothly; to turn out well; to do the trick; to have peaceful relations
some time ago; recently; lately; last (Sunday, etc.); previous
restoration; repair; mending
horse; horse racing; promoted bishop
express messenger; postman; mailman; courier
to call out (to); to call; to summon (a doctor, etc.); to invite; to designate; to name; to garner (support, etc.)
knowledge; awareness; consent; acceptance; forgiving; pardoning
doing (with resolve); carrying out (e.g. a plan)
to turn; to revolve; to visit several places; to function well; to pass a certain time
umbrella; parasol; something shaped like an umbrella or a conical hat; shade (of a lamp); mushroom cap
fate; destiny (esp. as a mysterious force that binds two people together); relationship (e.g. between two people); bond; family ties; affinity; opportunity
good; excellent; fine; nice; pleasant; agreeable
outside; exterior; the open (air); other place; somewhere else
closing; closure; shutdown; lockout