indication; denotation; designation; instructions; directions
as a matter of fact; by the way; to tell you the truth; to be honest; frankly
such; like that; that sort of; very
stealthily; secretly; in secret
activity (of a person, organization, animal, volcano, etc.); action; movie (esp. during the silent movie period)
that is to say; that is; in short; in brief; clogging; obstruction; shrinkage
to meet; to encounter; to see; to have an accident; to have a bad experience
to arrive at; to reach; to sit on; to sit at (e.g. the table)
to stick (to); to cling (to); to stay (e.g. in the office)
to be seen; to be in sight; to look; to seem; to come
how; in what way; how about
for today; for the time being
unskillful; poor; awkward; imprudent; untactful
to move; to stir; to operate; to run; to make a move; to take action; to be touched
had better ...; had better not ...
slowly; quietly; steadily; soon; momentarily; before long
to come along; to come around; to turn up; to arrive at the present; to get where one is; to have been doing something (for a period of time)
superior; excellent; fine
school; proof (of a book, document, etc.); counter for proofs
relation; connection; relevance
education; schooling; training; culture; cultivation; education
person concerned; people involved (in an event); those concerned; staff
simultaneous; concurrent; same time; synchronous; together
relay; hook-up; relay broadcasting
the present; present time; as of; present tense; this world; this life
highest peak; highest mountain; greatest authority; most prominent person; pinnacle (e.g. of art)
praise; admiration; commendation; approbation
truth; reality; proper; right; genuine; authentic
insufficient; inadequate; imperfect
mental; spiritual; emotional
unripe; green; inexperienced; immature; unskilled
oneself; oneself; for oneself; personally
dirty; filthy; disordered; messy; indecent (language, etc.); dirty
emotion; feeling; feelings; sentiment
such things as ...; and ... and; the minute (that) ...; no sooner than ...; be; is; o
bad; poor; poor (quality); inferior; evil; sinful; ugly
feeling; sensation; preparedness; readiness; thought; sentiment
direction; way; side (of an argument, etc.); one's part; type; category; field (of study, etc.)