1. was
past tense of polite copula
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Examples (200 in total)
How was it?
I didn't know that.
It's always been like that.
He was unable to move.
I didn't understand the meaning.
It was a strange night.
I couldn't say no.
Sorry, I didn't hear you.
I wasn't very tired.
I was happy then.
I didn't apologize.
It was time for a change.
It was a terrific experience.
I couldn't refuse.
How was your summer?
I was pleasantly surprised.
That wasn't possible.
She was a beautiful woman.
I was a teacher.
How did you enjoy the movie?
I found it easy when I gave it a try.
I'm so sorry about yesterday.
It seemed to be cheap.
Was it a nice trip?
It was a silly rumor.
She sang well.
It was a warm day.
It was very beautiful.
She didn't think so.
The story was true.
I couldn't help laughing.
I didn't go with her.
He was supposed to come.
But he needed a job.
I didn't say anything.
They didn't come here, did they?
We didn't have school today.
I've never seen anything like this before.
It was yesterday that he died.
I was a very calm child.
I was happy yesterday.
It was a morning like any other.
There were no chairs in the room.
I didn't think this was your seat.
She wasn't helping her mother.
Were you with anyone?
We had a heavy rain yesterday.
What's her name again?
Today was fun.
"Did you kiss her?" "No, I didn't kiss her."
My first car was red.
Today was a terrible day.
I was ill yesterday.
It was a very pleasant afternoon.
They were not listening to music.
How were your last exams?
That was a really pretty song.
How have you been?
I'm looking for my brother. Have you seen him?
Yesterday was my birthday.
That was my mistake.
I was a high school student at that time.
My school marks were average.
The factory did not want him.
I have been lucky until now.
She was my boss.
It was a lovely autumn evening.
Everything was new to me.
How was today's game?
A great party that was.
You had to stay.
I was a first year student last year.
I didn't go out because it was very cold.
It was such a shock.
Alice wasn't present at the meeting, was she?
Where were you going?
I didn't want to get up early.
This was her first job.
There was no one in the room.
I didn't buy it because it was really expensive.
Didn't you hear the voice in the next room?
He was not allowed to remain silent.
The fact is I didn't go to school today.
The night was very still.
Haven't we met before?
There was no wind at all yesterday.
Oh, I didn't know it was that close.
He never looked back.
I was on my way to school.
It was a special day for me.
I didn't remember that person.
You should have said so at that time.
He did not enjoy his lessons.
There was nothing in the box.
You should have told the truth.
I'm sorry. I should have been more careful.
It was a very cold day.
He was the first person to arrive.
She was like an angel.
Our meeting was purely accidental.
I didn't know what to do then.
What was the name of the hotel? I can't recall it.
There were no children in the park yesterday.
She didn't go shopping yesterday, did she?
I slept little last night.
He was gray, like his name.
My father was obsessed with that game.
It was raining this morning, but now it's sunny.
They were school children then.
I was always good at English.
Our meeting was quite accidental.
They were all great men.
When did you visit Kyoto last?
You were very kind to us.
That was the first time I got on a plane.
It was a great privilege working with you.
Kyoto was an old capital of Japan.
I wasn't able to buy anything because the supermarket was closed.
How long ago was that?
The earthquake was a terrible experience.
He didn't hear his name called.
When was it that you first met her?
I never thought we'd end up like this.
All he said was true.
I didn't buy anything at that store.
He came to Japan when he was a child.
I had no idea that this was going to happen.
I had to go there alone.
She did nothing but cry at the sight.
Every day the boy would come.
She didn't give me back my money.
I couldn't anticipate that would happen.
It was this book that I borrowed from him.
He was too tired to walk any further.
I had to lend to him money.
The children were all well and looked happy.
It was no use trying to take her to the hospital.
You should have knocked before you came in.
His wish was to go to America.
Who put this paper here?
I took it as a joke and did not answer.
Thanks for letting me know! I almost missed it.
There were no Japanese in this country.
This knife was very useful to me.
We were in the first year of middle school last year.
The room was full of girls in white.
That was three and a half years ago.
I couldn't shake off his hand.
He did not walk into the gym.
That movie wasn't well received in Japan.
There was no baseball match because of the rain.
The last time I called him, he was out.
You should have telephoned in advance.
At first, I couldn't understand what he said.
He wasn't sleeping when I came home.
My family liked the dog very much.
One of the questions was what kind of a person I would become.
Everything was as it had been when I left there.
I didn't say a word for fear I should annoy him.
I didn't say anything at all about our plan.
It was a pure accident that I met him there.
When I reached the classroom, she was no longer there.
I had no difficulty finding your house.
Even at nighttime, it was not quiet and peaceful any more.
Only six people came to the party.
He was the first to carry out the experiment.
I didn't know for certain which train to take.
His success was a great satisfaction to me.
It happened just like this.
The object of the journey was to visit Grandma.
That man didn't give me his name.
What was his reaction to this news?
I didn't use to like wine, but now I like it a lot.
Did you go abroad for pleasure or on business?
The girl who gave me beautiful flowers was your sister.
It was my first night among strangers.
Her job was to type all the letters.
Those were the saddest hours of my life.
Were you going to the train station when I saw you?
I had never seen such a beautiful girl before.
I'd already pressed the red button but nothing happened.
I called her office, but no one answered.
And the little black rabbit never looked sad again.
Yes. He had just come home when I called.
What with the rain and a bad hotel, we didn't enjoy our holiday much.
Seen at a distance, the rock looked like a human face.
I had to study hard to keep up with the class.
The boy was on the point of drowning when his father came to his rescue.
When people came out of the factory in the evening, their faces looked white and ill.
She was 19 at the time.
It was a fascinating story.
That was two years ago.
There was no water in the river.
I scored only 33 points on the test.
Was Ms. Kato your teacher last year?
Only three people thought it was a good idea.
She looked pleased with her new job.
All of the shop's staff were pleasant people.
It took about five minutes to get to my uncle's house from the station.
I was only a seven-year-old girl at that time.