1. Tom; Thom; Tomu
Pitch accent
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Examples (200 in total)
Tom is Tom.
Tom, are you listening?
Tom used the floor jack.
Don't tell Tom.
I'm Tom.
Tom came.
"Who could that be?" "I think it's Tom."
Tom is next.
This one is for Tom.
Tom stood.
Tom was selected.
"Is Tom about?" "He's not here!"
"I don't know," said Tom.
So what do you think, Tom?
I saw Tom in there.
I'm Tom, and you?
Tom went into the bar.
Are you really Tom?
Let's wait for Tom here.
Tom did that, right?
What did Tom do?
Tom was the only one who laughed.
Is that Tom's house?
I know that Tom is strong.
I thought that it was Tom's.
Was it Tom who did this?
Tom can't eat now.
Is it all right if I call you Tom?
We usually call him Tom.
Are you giving this to Tom?
I met Tom here.
Did you kill Tom?
I'd like to see Tom immediately.
Tom is so strong.
Don't worry. I won't tell Tom.
Tom looks happy today.
Why did you believe Tom?
Tom spoke first.
How's Tom's arm?
Tom was the last one.
Tom checked the time.
They killed Tom.
I didn't know Tom had noticed.
Let Tom in.
Tom wasn't surprised by this.
Thank you so much, Tom.
Why didn't you stop Tom?
Just stay away from Tom.
It's OK to be scared, Tom.
I hate talking to Tom.
"Sit down, Tom." "All right."
This is Tom's school.
Tom looked cute.
I haven't spoken with Tom in a while.
I'm Tom's father.
"Tom, you're blushing." "No, I'm not."
Tom lost his memory.
Tom began shouting.
Tom said that, not me.
Tom, if you go, I'll go, too.
Is Tom here now?
Even Tom knows that.
I think even Tom can do that.
I don't want Tom to know about this.
Yes, I know. Tom told me.
I wanted to go where Tom was going.
I asked Tom about that.
I want to become like Tom too.
I wonder whether Tom is here.
I haven't seen Tom yet today.
Is this room Tom's?
Are you sure Tom is OK?
Is this Tom's house?
Tom would have done the same thing.
Tom didn't have time to think.
There is power in Tom's eyes.
"Tom! Where are you?" "I'm here!" "But where is here?"
I came here with Tom.
Tom thinks I can do it.
I saw you talking to Tom.
Tom might be here later.
Tom should be at home.
I don't want to show it to Tom yet.
Why did you show that to Tom?
It wasn't Tom's voice that I heard.
Tom likes being alone.
Why is Tom waiting outside?
Tell me what Tom said.
"What's your name?" "My name is Tom."
Tom has a big house.
Do you think I should tell Tom?
I don't know if Tom is dead or alive.
Don't tell Tom about us.
Tom might know something.
Do you think Tom wrote this?
I like Tom the best.
I tried to protect Tom.
Tom seemed to like that.
Come on, Tom, think about it.
Do you remember what Tom was like?
It was Tom's first time to see the Golden Gate Bridge.
Please call me Tom from now on.
Don't call him Tom.
Does Tom have to be there?
Who's the woman talking to Tom?
Tom has asked me not to do that.
Tom doesn't do it much.
What did Tom say next?
I have longer legs than Tom.
So Tom, what do you think?
Could you tell me something about Tom?
I think I understand how Tom feels.
When will Tom go home?
Have you ever spoken to Tom?
Why is Tom here?
Tom knows something's wrong.
Tell Tom to wait a moment.
I'll give it to Tom tomorrow.
I didn't notice Tom had gone.
That's what Tom was looking for.
Are you still angry with Tom?
I stood next to Tom.
Is there any chance that Tom will come?
Tell me why Tom is crying.
Tom found a good job.
Is this the stuff Tom wants?
The boy's name is Tom.
I wonder what changed Tom's mind.
Tom barely said anything.
It's not Tom's fault.
Something has happened to Tom.
Where exactly did you meet Tom?
Were you a friend of Tom's?
Has anyone here seen Tom?
I know what Tom is doing here.
She could not help but think about Tom.
Is there anything you want to say to Tom?
Don't mention this to Tom.
Everyone knows that I'm Tom's girlfriend.
Tom is the one who gave me this.
I'll go with you and Tom.
I like Tom more than you.
"Tom likes you." "What?"
Tom doesn't need to do that.
Why do you think it was Tom who did that?
I should've told Tom earlier.
Tom didn't go to work today.
Are you still going to wait for Tom?
I can't do anything for Tom.
Tom must like walking.
The question is who's going to tell Tom.
Someone told Tom the truth.
Is Tom always like this?
Can I go with Tom?
I think that's impossible in Tom's case.
I didn't ask Tom why he wanted this.
Were you with Tom that night?
I'm sure Tom will help us.
You don't need to tell Tom everything.
I wonder why Tom was in my room.
Is Tom really going to eat that?
The girls laughed at Tom.
I've met Tom a number of times.
Is that what Tom wants?
This book is mine, not Tom's.
I don't like you and Tom.
"No one will ever believe that." "Well, Tom believed me."
Tom always helps us.
Are these all Tom's books?
I'm right behind Tom.
I still think Tom is hiding something.
"I never thought Tom would win." "Me neither."
We used to call him Tom.
Tom doesn't like this color.
I met Tom in front of the store.
I think you've already met Tom.
I just wanted Tom to be happy.
I'll sit and wait here for Tom.
Tom was one of three children.
Are you sure that's what Tom said?
I'm sure Tom didn't know about that.
Tom will explain this to you later.
I wouldn't let Tom do that if I were you.
Tom wasn't sleeping when I got home.
What would you do in a situation like this, Tom?
I don't know why Tom didn't come yesterday.
Why would Tom do such a thing?
I wonder why they chose Tom.
Can you tell Tom to stop doing that?
I think you should forgive Tom.
Please wait until Tom and I are ready.
I wanted Tom to stay longer, but he had to leave.
Tom told me where to buy what I needed.
I've never seen Tom with a girl before.
I feel like I finally have some understanding of how Tom felt in that moment.
Would you be surprised if I told you that my name isn't actually Tom?
Tom disappeared in 2003.
Tom has six children.
Tom said he thought I was dead.
"Tom? Did something happen?" "No. I just wanted to hear your voice."