1. indeed; really; truly; very much
Pitch accent
Composed of
book; volume; this; present; main; head
Examples (32 in total)
I want to live surrounded by books.
Is there an index to the book?
What's written in the book?
He showed an interest in the book.
What is written in the book?
She spends a lot of money on books.
What did you think of that book?
She took a casual glance at the book.
The writer is working on a new book.
She spends most of her income on books.
He paid 1,000 yen for this book.
This book contains a lot of short stories.
Do you think that e-books will replace paper books?
This book contains the complete works of Shakespeare.
I don't think television will take the place of books.
What little money he earned he spent on books.
He was completely absorbed in his book.
This book has many beautiful pictures.
Many English proverbs are collected in this book.
My life has been changed by this book.
As it was written in haste, the book has many faults.
I asked Tom about his new book.
She wrote the book about people she visited.
We were very impressed by his new book.
He made a few remarks on the book.
This book is mine; I wrote my name in it myself.
This book is not only more instructive but more interesting than that book.
The scholar spent what little money he had on books.
He mentioned a book the title of which I can't remember now.
I won't pay 40 dollars for just one book.
This book says that elephants live to be over 100 years old.
The other day, I stopped at a secondhand bookstore on my way home from school and happened to find a book I had been looking for for a long time.