1. marriage
Kanji used
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (85 in total)
engagement; betrothal
second marriage; remarriage
newly-wed; newly married
marriage ceremony; wedding
searching for a marriage partner; marriage hunting; activities leading to marriage (e.g. dating, courtship)
unmarried; not yet married
wedding ceremony
marriageable age; chance of marriage
important ceremonial occasions in family relationships
premarital; prenuptial
one's in-laws (esp. a woman's in-laws)
same-sex marriage; gay marriage
de facto marriage; common-law marriage
consanguineous marriage
marriage due to unintended pregnancy; shotgun wedding
late marriage
marriage due to unintended pregnancy; shotgun wedding
marriage between partners of very different ages; May-December marriage
silver wedding (anniversary)
(one's) previous marriage
marriage by abduction; marriage by capture; bride kidnapping; marriage where the person courted was already married
marriage where the couple live apart and occasionally visit each other
extramarital (e.g. sex)
marriage due to unintended pregnancy; shotgun wedding
simple wedding; modest wedding
quick marriage; marriage after a whirlwind courtship
marriage due to unintended pregnancy; shotgun wedding
marriage; intermarriage
marrying wealth
marriage breakup; divorce; engagement breakup
commuter marriage
shotgun wedding
promiscuity; promiscuous sexual relations
unmarried (by choice)
marriage due to unintended pregnancy; shotgun wedding
amicable breakup of a married couple (without filing for divorce)
marriage between mismatched partners (esp. in terms of wealth)
cousin marriage; marriage between cousins
marriage by abduction; marriage by capture; bride kidnapping
simple wedding; modest wedding
sororate marriage
ruby wedding (anniversary)
levirate marriage; sororate marriage; marriage to deceased sibling's spouse
searching for a marriage partner; marriage hunting; activities leading to marriage (e.g. dating, courtship)
marriage by abduction; marriage by capture; bride kidnapping; marriage where the person courted was already married
traditional Japanese wedding
imperial wedding
marriage in which the bride is taken into the groom's family; virilocal marriage
flashy wedding; showy wedding
marriage in which the bride lives temporarily in her parents' home
marriage in which a man is adopted into the bride's family; uxorilocal marriage
crystal wedding (anniversary)
paper wedding (anniversary)
commuter marriage; weekend marriage
bronze wedding (anniversary)
straw wedding (anniversary)
golden wedding
marriage in which a man is adopted into the bride's family; uxorilocal marriage
flashy wedding; showy wedding
ménage à trois; three-way sexual relationship
international marriage which is recognized in only one party's country (e.g. same-sex marriage, polygamy, underage marriage)
divorce by settlement
marriage following adultery and a subsequent divorce
pearl wedding (anniversary)
marriage in which neither person takes the other's surname
marriage between two people who met over the Internet
levirate marriage; marriage to deceased brother's widow
levirate marriage; marriage to deceased brother's widow
old Chinese custom of marrying older women with young boys
diamond wedding (anniversary)
nuptial plumage
group marriage
tin wedding (anniversary)
infant marriage
sexual intercourse
sexual intercourse