1. starting field which contains the November and/or December 20-point card
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (30 in total)
faint; swoon
fainting in agony
eradication; extermination; rooting out; stamping out; getting rid of
grand; heroic; sublime; fierce
extinction; discontinuation; severance; rupture; to become extinct; to cease to exist
exquisite; superb; perfect; miraculous
transcendence; excellence; superiority
end of life; death; annihilation
being isolated; being separated; being cut off
tremendous; immense
isolation; separation; remoteness; seclusion; reclusion; inaccessibility
breaking off relations; disconnection; insulation (esp. electrical); isolation
stoppage; interruption; cessation; suspension
special move (e.g. in martial arts)
abortion; to be interrupted; to be discontinued; to be suspended
nothing; nil; naught; nought
very bad condition; (in) terrible form; serious slump
(of a kind) never to be seen again
unique; unsurpassed; ranking foremost
for a family line to become extinct; to die
extremely sad (event, occurrence); great pity
very rare; exquisite
giving up; abandoning (hope, plans)
(arch.) (in Japan) 4th note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. F); excellence (of scenery, etc.)
repeated reading; close (careful) reading; careful perusal
starting field which contains the November and/or December 20-point card