Adjective (な)
1. coarse; rough; crude; raw; unrefined
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (35 in total)
carelessness; careless mistake; wetting oneself; soiling oneself; (arch.) crude; (arch.) coarse
crude; rough; plain; humble; shabby
careless; thoughtless; rash; rude; at fault
crude steel
coarse, low-grade tea; tea (often used when offering someone a cup)
rough (behaviour, temperament, etc.); wild; rude; violent
sake (implied to be low-grade)
black copper
coarse; rough; bulky
plain clothing
coarse; rough; crude
coarse; crude; inferior
rustic; rude; vulgar; rough
simple diet; plain food; simple food; frugal meal
simple diet; plain food; simple food; frugal meal
small present; trifling gift; gift given out by companies to customers as a token of gratitude; marketing incentive; (arch.) inferior goods; (arch.) low-quality article
small present; trifling gift; gift given out by companies to customers as a token of gratitude; marketing incentive; (arch.) inferior goods; (arch.) low-quality article
brushwood; twig
coarse cloth
crude construction; crude manufacture
simple clothes; humble clothes
rough surface
small penis
small penis
fineness or coarseness; minuteness or roughness
inferior goods
raw sugar; unrefined sugar
refreshments (implied to be low-grade)
rude word; inappropriate word; coarse language
roughage; coarse feed
gross income; gross earnings
crude alcohol; roughly distilled alcohol