1. hire (charge); rent; charge; fare; fee; freight; wages; payment
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (38 in total)
brokerage; exchange commission
wages; pay
wages; pay
reward; recompense; tip; conveyance charge; packhorse charge
(passenger) fare; freight rates; shipping expenses
payment (for labour); pay; charge; wages
cheap lodging house
rent; rental
hotel charges
house rent
train fare
wages; pay
wages; pay
rental fee; rent; hire charge
wage increase; pay rise
charge-free; free of charge
rice cakes made after the customer has paid for them
carfare; cartage fee
processing fees
rental fee; rent; hire charge
renting; leasing
bus fare
carrying a passenger
pay cut
hotel charges; tariff
messenger tip or charge
carfare; fare; transportation expenses
labour rate; pay rate; wage rate; income rate
Minimum Wages Act
folding fee; fee paid to the pot for folding