1. son
2. baron
3. man; male
Alt. forms
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (23 in total)
boy; son; man
baron; Irish cobbler (variety of potato)
men and women; man and woman; both sexes; both genders
man; male; masculine gender
boy; man; male
male genitalia; male genital organs; penis
male convict; male prisoner
penis; phallus
disguising oneself as a man; dressing as a man (for a woman); male clothing
handsome man
male homosexuality; sodomy
(male) actor
men's basketball; boys' basketball
sexual experience (with men)
male lineage
male paramour
male student; schoolboy
male worker; male machine operator
unpopular man; man who isn't well-liked by women
discrimination against men; misandry
men's volleyball; boys' volleyball