1. tooth
2. age; years
Alt. forms
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (51 in total)
gums; tooth ridge
row of teeth
dental; dental consonant; dental sound
front tooth
age; years (old)
artificial tooth
permanent tooth
incisor; incisive tooth
dental calculus (calcified deposits that accumulate on the teeth); tartar (of the teeth)
root of a tooth; fang
(dental) alveolus; (dental) alveoli; socket in the jaw containing the root of a tooth
crown of a tooth
(tooth) pulp
space between the teeth; interdental space
medical, dental and pharmacological
dentation; tooth shape
wisdom tooth
quality of teeth
artificial tooth; fake teeth
periodontal; parodontal
surface of a tooth
root canal treatment; root canal therapy
teething; cutting teeth; dentition
edentates (i.e. anteaters, sloths, armadillos)
Lagomorpha; order of rabbits, hares and pikas
dental bridge
dental nerve
endodontia; endodontic procedure; endodontic treatment
impacted tooth
(study of) medicine, dentistry and pharmacology
pharyngeal tooth; pharyngeal teeth
Heterodonta (subclass of bivalve molluscs, including the clams and cockles)
Triconodonta; Eutriconodonta; order of early mammals
Anomodontia (suborder of therapsids)
Theriodontia; theriodonts
Creodonta; extinct order of mammals
dentary bone; dentary
mottled teeth; mottled enamel; fluorosis
teeth clipping; grinding down teeth
teeth clipping; teeth filing
arranging seats by seniority