1. nth year in the Heisei era (1989.1.8-2019.4.30)
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (74 in total)
level; ordinary
fairness; impartiality; justice; objectivity
bisection; dividing equally
peace; tranquility; tranquillity; (arch.) happy-go-lucky
level ground; plain; flatland
peacetime; time of peace; ordinary times; normal times
calm; serenity; tranquillity; tranquility
level surface; plane
cool; calm; composed; easy; simple
plain; moor; prairie
plain; open field
coolness; calmness; composure; all right; fine; OK
parallelism; running parallel (to, with); running concurrently; occurring at the same time; not reaching an agreement (e.g. of a debate)
peace; harmony
calm; composed; cool; quiet
Heike family; Taira family; The Tale of the Heike; chanting of the Heike Monogatari
square metre; square meter
everyday language; The Tale of the Heike
peaceful news
commoner; plebeian
ordinary; common; commonplace; mediocre; unremarkable; undistinguished
even; flat; level; calm; peaceful; uneventful
horizontal; level; even
discontent; dissatisfaction; complaint; grievance
level ground; horizon; field of view
ordinary; in the past; usual; regular
Heike family; Taira family
Tenpyō era (729.8.5-749.4.14); Tenbyō era; Tenhei era
ordinary clothes; everyday attire; plain clothes; civilian clothes
square (e.g. metre)
normal temperature
easy; simple; plain
very ordinary; mediocre; all-too-common; quite commonplace
peace and tranquility; peace and tranquillity
clear; simple
non-leap year; normal year (esp. as pertains to weather patterns, vegetative growth, harvest yields, etc.)
Heijō-kyō (ancient name of Nara)
plain text; unciphered text
Shōhei era (of the Southern Court) (1346.12.8-1370.7.24)
commonplace; ordinary; trite; informal and easy to understand (of writing, etc.)
normal crop
layman; laity
declarative sentence
Jōhei era (931.4.26-938.5.22); Shōhei era
open-hearth furnace
normal prices; par; parity
straight angle
peaceful country
foremast hand; common sailor
chanting of the Heike Monogatari to biwa accompaniment
coplanar; in the same plane; flush; even (with)
calm condition; normal condition
peace studies; irenology
calm water; smooth water; the usual amount of water
peace-time industries
parallel evolution
those who wish to rule the land must first cultivate their own characters, then manage their families, then govern their states; only then can they bring peace to the land
normal pulse
completely fair or just
peace collaboration
peace conference
conversation on worldly affairs; chat about everyday life (business)
vast stretch of desert; vast expanse of sandy plain
plain and lucid; articulate
plane angle
peace agreement
plano-concave lens
plano-convex lens