1. crime
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (113 in total)
innocence; being not guilty
guilt; culpability
previous conviction
false charge; false accusation; misrepresentation
crime; offence; offense
feelings of guilt
crime; sin; vice
criminal; lawbreaker; wrongdoer; offender
judgment (of a crime); conviction; condemnation; beheading; decapitation
serious crime; grave sin
serious crime; grave sin
(nature of a) crime; (criminal) charge
capital crime; crime resulting in a death penalty
felony; serious crime
same crime; being equally guilty
lese majesty; lèse-majesté
original sin
(crime of) treason
(the crime of) murder
atrocious crime; heinous crime
sin; iniquity; crime
other crimes; further offenses; further offences
offense; offence; crime; guilt; punishment
felony; serious crime
(crime of) inflicting bodily injury
name of a crime; charge
acquittal; pardon; papal indulgence
(crime of) defamation (i.e. slander, libel)
merits and demerits; good points and bad points; strengths and weaknesses
offence; offense; fault
(crime of) theft; (crime of) stealing; larceny
(the crime of) high treason
(execution by) decapitation
criminal intimidation
minor offense; minor offence; misdemeanor; misdemeanour
(the crime of) kidnapping (kidnaping)
crime of perjury
accusation; indictment
(crime of) public indecency
(the crime of) adultery
crime of rioting
fraudulent appropriation
criminal insurrection
(crime of) indecent assault
criminal indecency
type of crime which requires a formal complaint from the victim in order to prosecute
traces of a crime; evidence of a crime
(crime of) contempt of court
(the crime of) extortion
evidence (of a crime)
responsibility or liability for a crime
penal servitude; submitting to a sentence; pleading guilty; undetected crime
minor offense; minor offence; misdemeanor; misdemeanour
(crime of) trespassing; housebreaking
(crime of) rape; criminal assault
infamous crime or offense (offence)
(criminal) conspiracy; conspiracy to commit a crime
(the crime of) arson
(crime of) inflicting bodily injury resulting in death
(the crime of) bribery
(crime of) robbery
(crime of) assembling with dangerous weapons
political crime; political offence
treason; conspiracy against one's country
attempted crime
nulla poena sine lege; no punishment without law
(crime of) obstruction; obstruction charge
breach of trust
execution by hanging; hanging
substance of a sin; source of a sin
prisoner; convict
obstructing the discharge of official duties; hindering a government official in the execution of his duties
involuntary manslaughter; accidental homicide
crime of espionage
accidental infliction of injury
(crime of) aiding and abetting
false entry in an officially authenticated document
concurrent offenses; concurrent offences
crime of bribery
false arrest and imprisonment; illegal arrest and confinement
crime of plotting a crime; crime of preparing to commit an offense; preparation of a crime
crime of killing one's master or parent (Edo period); very grave sin
(the crime of) rioting
vehicular manslaughter
criminal instigation
corpus delicti (concrete evidence of a crime, e.g. a bullet-riddled body)
(crime of) harboring a fugitive (harbouring)
unlawful trespass; occupying a property and refusing to leave
(crime of) adultery
illegal abortion
five cardinal sins (killing one's father, killing one's mother, killing an arhat, shedding the blood of a Buddha, causing a schism within the sangha)
(act or crime of) pollution
(crime of) revealing state secrets; charge of revealing national security information
(crime of) revealing state secrets; charge of revealing national security information
offense against public morals; morals offense; vice crime
number of crimes
five punishments (of the ritsuryo system: light caning, severe caning, imprisonment, exile, death); five punishments (of ancient China: tattooing, cutting off the nose, cutting off a leg, castration or confinement, death)
crimes of abduction, confinement and bodily injury
false arrest and imprisonment; illegal arrest and confinement
illegal arrest and imprisonment resulting in death or bodily injury
(crime of) incapacitated rape; crime of sexual assault against somebody who is intoxicated, asleep or otherwise unable to consent or resist
(crime of) preparations or plots for private war
(crime of) rape (or attempted rape) resulting in death or injury
imprisonment (for one to three years)
imprisonment (for one to three years)