1. price; cost
2. value; worth; merit
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (47 in total)
buying price; cost price; purchase price
reasonable (price)
value; worth; merit; estimation; evaluation; appraisal
price reduction; discount
half price
shipping price
lowest price
inflated price (assigned in anticipation of being haggled down); overcharging; exaggeration
medium or average price
price; cost
high price
price tag; price label
price increase; rise in price
price hike; mark-up
low price
cut in price
selling price
cost price; buying price
price movement; price fluctuation
pricing; (price) positioning
price decline; fall in price
price collapse
bottom price
wholesale price
all-time low (price, in trading); record low; new low
closing price
price range or fluctuation
bid; offer
limit price (e.g. on a stock transaction); price limit
higher price; price rise
first quotation for a stock at the first exchange meeting of the New Year; initial share price during a public offering
opening price
retail price
black-market price
high price
ceiling price
closing quotations
selling price
contract price
nominal price
official market quotations; exchange rates
reduced price
price hike; mark-up
ridiculously low price
marking to market