Pre-noun adjective
1. of the time; at the time
2. of the hour; in vogue; sought after
Kanji used
Pitch accent
Composed of
time; hour; occasion; case; chance; opportunity
Used in vocabulary (12 in total)
flow of time; flux of time; lapse of time; current of the times; trend of the times
man of the hour; woman of the hour
(a matter of) chance; fortune (of a given time); force of the times
emperor of the time
person who turns up at the right moment to help
lesser cuckoo (Cuculus poliocephalus)
people look friendly when they ask for a loan but not so much when they repay it; (lit.) when borrowing (the money), the face of the (bodhisattva) Kshitigarbha; when returning it, the face of the (hell king) Yama
turning to God only in one's trouble
infectious disease; plague; epidemic