1. party; group; troop; company
2. one act; one action; one deed
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (1 in total)
every word and act; just a word or an act
Examples (14 in total)
I met a party of students on the street.
A band of robbers attacked the party.
He took a line from Shakespeare.
A company of tourists visited our town.
How many are there in your party, sir?
A group of foreign students visited Akira's high school.
The party crossed over to America.
The party stayed in Kyoto for a short period.
The party set out for Kobe.
The party set out despite the bad weather.
The group departed as soon as he arrived.
The party went on walking to the next village.
There are five Russians among the party.
The group was made up of six girls and four guys.