1. by myself; in person; by oneself
Composed of
myself; yourself; I; me; you
Used in vocabulary (2 in total)
I, myself; one-self; by one-self; even I; even one
situation of one's own doing
Examples (111 in total)
I want to do it by myself.
I want to do it myself.
Do it by yourself.
I want to think for myself.
He did it himself.
Why don't you ask yourself?
Did you draw this yourself?
Why don't you call him yourself?
The moon doesn't shine on its own.
I made the decision by myself.
Did you do your homework by yourself?
She had to go herself.
I'll do that work by myself.
This is the job of my own choice.
You choose your own path.
Solve this problem on your own.
You should try to figure it out for yourself.
Did you take this picture yourself?
He himself tried it.
Did you write this sentence yourself?
Karen went there herself.
He repaired his watch by himself.
Did you plan it yourself?
Tom can't tie his own tie.
To tell the truth, I did not make it myself.
I bought myself some new tools.
Nancy can't decide anything for herself.
Look up the word in the dictionary for yourself.
I can look after myself now.
I have to go there myself.
You should go and see for yourself.
She can't have written it herself.
Why don't you make it yourself?
I hope to find a job of my own choosing.
I made these clothes myself.
The most important thing is the ability to think for yourself.
Most girls think they're pretty.
Can you do it yourself? If you want, I can help you.
You should go to the police and check it out yourself.
Is this a picture that you yourself drew?
I do everything for myself.
He likes to do everything for himself.
He can't possibly write the letter by himself.
I wanted to help, but there was nothing I could do.
I made these boxes myself.
It's much cheaper to make it yourself.
Everyone must learn on their own in the end.
It was a profession of his own choosing.
Instead of going myself, I sent a messenger.
He prepared supper by himself.
This is a problem of his own making.
Do it yourself and do it right away.
Did you really bake the pie by yourself?
This is a problem of your own making.
Ken makes his own bed every morning.
If you make your own clothes, it will save you money.
This is a dress that Mary made by herself.
He had to take care of his dog himself.
Look the word up for yourself in the dictionary.
I figured out how to do that by myself.
He is engaged in an occupation of his own choice.
This is a doghouse that I made myself.
Teaching is a profession of my own choosing.
You have to make your own bed here.
He repairs his own car.
He needn't have come himself.
This problem is of his own making.
She will be glad if you go to see her in person.
Though he wouldn't admit it, he was very tired.
Are you doing what you think is right?
It is very important to think for yourself and to study.
You should read such books as you consider important.
"I made it myself," he said proudly.
I don't need your permission to be who I am.
She can make all her own clothes.
Read both sides and then decide for yourself.
She managed to carry all the bags herself.
My grandfather used to make his own furniture.
She makes all her own clothes.
She stressed that she did it by herself.
John turned his back on the company and started on his own.
It's been three years since Bob started his own business.
It is desirable that she should apologize to him herself.
I can solve the problem by myself.
I grind my own coffee beans every morning.
Tom poured himself another shot of bourbon.
Why don't you look into the problem yourself? It's your responsibility.
He thinks it's safer to drive himself than to let me drive.
You're old enough to take care of yourself.
As a matter of course, you must go there yourself.
I had to drive myself to the hospital.
He often laughs at his own jokes.
I'm learning to sew so that I can make myself a dress.
Mary invariably brought more food than she could eat.
The best thing would be for you to do the work yourself.
If you don't believe me, go see for yourself.
Although he thought he was helping us, he was only in the way.
She is now well enough to wash her hair by herself.
This book is mine; I wrote my name in it myself.
As far as I know, he said that himself.
The track club was the only place where I could be myself.
Tom is not as good a chess player as he thinks he is.
She would rather listen to others than talk herself.
You can read a lot more than you think you can.
Each generation would have to rediscover for itself the truths of the past.
He not only made the plan of a new house but built it himself.
The most valuable skill one can acquire is the ability to think for oneself.
If you don't believe me, go and see it for yourself.
Nothing gives us so much pleasure as making things ourselves.
I learned to tie my shoelaces by myself at the age of five.
You reap what you sow.