1. picking up; someone who picks up things
2. type picking (letterpress printing)
3. walking (of an aristocrat)
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (18 in total)
picking up trash; collecting garbage
a find; windfall; bargain
reading (the parts one is interested in); reading here and there; skimming through; reading word by word; reading only the parts one can understand
firewood gathering
fetching balls (tennis, baseball, etc.); ball boy
fetching balls (tennis, baseball, etc.); ball boy
ragpicking; ragpicker
gleaning (i.e. picking up crop left after harvesting)
finder (of lost property)
gathering up the ashes of the deceased
walk; walking
(a) wander; amble; walking on the good part of a street (to avoid puddles, etc.)
walking on the good part of a street (to avoid puddles, etc.)
picking up stitches (knitting)
gathering cigarette butts; person gathering cigarette butts
image found on the Internet (as opposed to created by oneself)