1. warp (weaving)
2. longitude
3. scripture; sutra
4. trans-
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (49 in total)
nerve; nerves; sensitivity
expenses; expenditure; outgoings; outlays; costs
passage (of time); elapsing; progress; development; transit
menstrual period
accounting; administration (of money)
acupuncture point
personal history; career
administration; rule
classic Confucian writings
sacred texts
details; particulars; longitude and latitude; warp and weft; warp and woof
sacred books; sutras; scriptures; Bible
taken by mouth; oral
politics and economics
passing of years; lapse of time; aging; ageing
Japan Business Federation; Keidanren
woman who has given birth
parity; having borne children; parous
west longitude
administration; government; conduct of state affairs
meridian flow (in traditional Chinese medicine)
anxiety neurosis; aporio-neurosis
meridian; longitude
Sankei newspaper
inscription of scripture on stone
correct path; path of righteousness; canon (Confucian)
Chinese classics (ethics, politics, and history)
passing of time; age; chronological; successive; metachronic
sutra; holy writings; writings of a sage; Bible
longitude and latitude
Marxian economics
feeding tube
galactic longitude
twelve meridians (in acupuncture, etc.)
politics and economics
commerce and economics
cold political relations but hot economic relations (often said about China-Japan relations)
transcranial magnetic stimulation; TMS
death by hanging
transperineal biopsy (esp. of the prostate)
departure (surveying, etc.)
land boundary; border (between properties)