1. posture; position; pose; attitude
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (21 in total)
unarmed; without weapons
bent back; indecisive attitude; timidity; lack of nerve
manner; demeanour; demeanor; bearing
half-sitting posture; half-standing posture; half-rising posture; stooping position
preparing to flee; being ready to run away
strained back; slipped disk; lumbosacral strain
bent back; prone posture; weak-kneed; timidity; lack of nerve
strenuous effort; earnestness; seriousness
katana and wakizashi
slender hips; slim waist
slim waist; slender figure; willowy figure; waist of a willow tree
strong pelvis or hips
wavering; unsteady; floating hip throw (judo)
posture in which the legs are firmly planted (in sumo and judo)
stance adopted when prepared to catch an object
being bent (with age); being stooped over
bent back; stooping back
katana and wakizashi