1. newly commenced ...; just started ...
Kanji used
Used in vocabulary (15 in total)
to throw open; to leave open
the rise of the curtain; opening (of play); beginning (e.g. of an era); opening (festival, event, etc.)
to open wide (doors, windows, etc.); to fling open
opening (of a bottle); broaching; beginning; opening; commencement (e.g. of sales)
lock-opening; lock-picking
leaving open; leaving ajar; outspoken; frank
unguarded; frank; open
to open wide; to reveal hidden contents
leaving open; leaving ajar; outspoken; frank
opening; beginning; commencement
to vacate; to surrender (e.g. a castle); to give up (e.g. a position); to hand over (e.g. power)
leaving open; leaving ajar; outspoken; frank
opening and shutting
to open; to vacate