1. as far as ... is concerned; so far as ... can tell
Composed of
barrier; gate
limit; limits; degree; extent; the end; the last; as long as ...
Examples (13 in total)
That's all right as far as I am concerned.
So far as I am concerned there is no objection.
As far as he was concerned, things were going well.
As far as this matter is concerned, I am satisfied.
As far as English is concerned, nobody can beat me.
It's a good job, as far as the pay goes.
So far as this matter is concerned, I am completely satisfied.
I have no complaints. As far as I'm concerned, everything is just perfect.
So far as I am concerned, I have no objection to the plan.
As far as this problem is concerned, you cannot escape your responsibility.
As far as I'm concerned, you can do what you like.
So far as I am concerned, you may leave whenever you like.
Most people like summer, but as for me, I like winter much better.