1. rotation
2. making the rounds
3. spreading
4. effect; efficacy
5. by way of; via
6. round; turn
7. size
8. 12-year period; 12-year age difference
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (76 in total)
sunflower (Helianthus annuus)
one's personal belongings; one's vicinity; one's daily life; everyday necessities
to go round and cut in; to take a roundabout path
one turn; one round; (a) size; to go around; to make a circuit; twelve years
circuitous; roundabout; indirect
policeman; cop; walking in a circle (dog trick); (arch.) rounds (doctor, police beat, etc.); (arch.) vegetables that accompany rice (secret language of court ladies)
detour; diversion
role; part; duty
around the neck; neck size (measurement)
to begin to turn
from the area (e.g. person or goods); local trader; local merchant; street tough; hoodlum controlling a territory (e.g. red light district, amusement area)
after making the rounds; after having passed through many hands; after going through many places; eventually
going on ahead; forestalling; anticipating; arrival before another
waist; girth; measurement around waist
financial circumstances; financial situation; circulation of money
detour; diversion
interest; (investment) yield; profits
turn of fortune; twist of fate
one or two sizes (bigger, etc.); one or two levels (better, more mature, etc.)
chest measurement; bust measurement
racing (of an engine); spinning one's wheels; running idle; fruitless effort; going nowhere; going round in circles
courtesy call; going around to say hello (or goodbye) to everybody; making the rounds
taking turns; in rotation
at hand; personal effects or belongings
tight turn; adaptability; flexibility; maneuverability
what goes around
courtesy call; going around to say hello (or goodbye) to everybody; making the rounds
one's personal belongings; one's vicinity; one's daily life; everyday necessities
role; part; duty
circumference; perimeter; work outside the office; outer tracks (in a loop or curve)
measurement round the hips
wide turn; detour; the long way around
retinue; suite
inconsiderate (of rudeness, danger or rules)
patrolling; one's rounds; inspection tour; watchman; patrolman
fight; scuffle; walking about; walking around; conducting oneself; stroll (in noh, an action piece involving circling the stage)
rotation (of a post, role, etc.); taking turns
suspension system (of a vehicle); undercarriage; area around one's feet; footwear
age relationship; luck attending age
revolving stage
touring; on the road
one's surroundings; surrounding area
root circumference
clockwise rotation; CW
around the neck; neck size (measurement)
waist; girth; measurement around waist
from the area (e.g. person or goods); local trader; local merchant; street tough; hoodlum controlling a territory (e.g. red light district, amusement area)
clockwise rotation; CW; right-handed rotation
night watch; night watchman
financial circumstances; financial situation; circulation of money
counterclockwise rotation; anti-clockwise rotation; CCW
taking a western route; west circuit; travelling the globe westwards; going from east to west
chest measurement; bust measurement
northern route
going from west to east
one's star; one's fortune or destiny
inner tracks or lanes; going around an inner circle; indoors
southern route
subordinate part; menial service; subordinate; utility man
winder staircase
supply (of a commodity)
making the rounds to express thanks
a daimyo's (mounted) guards or retainers
collar; area around the collar; counterclockwise (when seated in a circle); anti-clockwise
New Year's calls
(theatrical) provincial tour
taking turns; working in shifts
circumference of the navel; treasure trail; sagittal hair
Volvox (genus of green algae)
earnings yield; after-tax earnings per share divided by the stock price
clockwise rotation (when playing cards, etc.)
Examples (12 in total)
The people gathered about us.
We ran around the park.
The moon revolves around the earth.