1. surprisingly; astonishingly; amazingly; alarmingly
Examples (21 in total)
To my surprise, he has failed.
To my surprise, they ate the meat raw.
To my great surprise, we won!
To our surprise, he won the grand prize.
To my dismay, my wallet was gone.
I thought he would be angry but, to my surprise, he smiled.
Much to his surprise, he found his dog dead.
To my surprise, he refused my offer.
Much to my surprise, the door opened noiselessly.
To his amazement, the door opened all by itself.
To my shock, he killed himself by taking poison.
To my surprise, she spoke English very well.
To my surprise, he got married to a very beautiful actress.
To our great surprise, he suddenly resigned.
He did it, and what was more surprising, he did it by himself.
To my surprise, her reply was flatly negative.
To his surprise, the thief turned out to be his own son.
To our surprise, Tom came to our party with Mary.
Much to my surprise, my song appealed to many young people.
To our surprise, Emi won the 400-meter race with ease.
To everyone's astonishment, Mike won first prize in the speech contest.