1. in preparation (for); in case (of); in the lead-up (to)
Top 40700
Composed of
preparation; provision; guarding
Examples (16 in total)
He saved money for his old age.
Save money for a rainy day.
We are studying hard in preparation for the exams.
How much money was saved in preparation for the summer vacation?
Taiwan is preparing itself for a Chinese invasion.
The boxer had to lose weight for the title match.
She was cleaning the house in preparation for a party.
Prepare yourself for the day when robots are at your side.
We must always be prepared for disasters.
It is necessary that he prepare for the worst.
Farmers store vegetables for the winter.
His parents are saving for his college education.
Just in case, you should get auto insurance.
The teacher reminded us to study hard for the test.
All hospitals are equipped with a spare generator in case of a power outage.
She put some money away every month for her retirement.