1. samurai receiving this much rice as a fee
after a quantity
2. offering of rice cake containing this much rice
3. person receiving this amount of money as a salary
Kanji used
Used in vocabulary (12 in total)
(bank) president; greenroom manager (in a theater)
layout (of a house or apartment); arrangement of rooms
shading; (colour) gradation; kumadori; style of kabuki makeup used for violent roles
entering the service of a daimyo
audio recording; sound recording
receiving in advance (e.g. wages, interest); taking before others; anticipation; being ahead of (e.g. the times); prefetch; anticipatory completion (i.e. finishing another's sentence)
randori (freestyle judo training)
lively or quick witted person
rear toe pick
rear toe pick
net proceeds (e.g. after an offering of securities)
getting something for nothing