1. samurai receiving this much rice as a fee
after a quantity
2. offering of rice cake containing this much rice
3. person receiving this amount of money as a salary
Used in vocabulary (41 in total)
fixed date; appointed day
shading; (colour) gradation; kumadori; style of kabuki makeup used for violent roles
focusing on only the good points or strong points; incorporating the benefits (while ignoring the drawbacks); picking the best of both (everything); cherry-picking (e.g. information)
having one's choice; (ability to) pick and choose
receiving in advance (e.g. wages, interest); taking before others; anticipation; being ahead of (e.g. the times); prefetch; anticipatory completion (i.e. finishing another's sentence)
coloring; colouring; color scheme; colour scheme; (touch of) colour; embellishment
monopolizing; monopolising; monopolization; monopolisation
gait; walk; stride; trace (e.g. of route taken by hunted criminal); track; trail
programme; program; plans; arrangements
(bank) president; greenroom manager (in a theater)
snatching; stealing; seizure; usurpation
affectation; pretension
layout (of a house or apartment); arrangement of rooms
positioning; getting a position; taking a position
hemming; bordering
winner-takes-all (system)
after tax income; net income
focusing on only the good points or strong points; incorporating the benefits (while ignoring the drawbacks); picking the best of both (everything); cherry-picking (e.g. information)
cutting; tearing off; cutting (for a railroad, highway, etc.); cut; robbery with assault; burglary
randori (freestyle judo training)
stopping a sword stroke between one's bare hands
trade in; part exchange
picking and choosing
laying out (e.g. ground plan, garden); layout; taking space (Go); obtaining land; training done in one's own stable; (police) legwork
entering the service of a daimyo
grabbing; taking (as much as one can hold) by the hand
grade; class; quality; unit; digit; positioning of decimal point
ship-to-ship cargo transfer; off-shore delivery (into smaller boats)
sharing; division
sketching; drawing a plan; sketch
audio recording; sound recording
adaptation of a famous poem
worst of both worlds
worst of both worlds
lively or quick witted person
rear toe pick
to become a mistress; to serve as a concubine; to serve one's master
borrowing without returning
getting something for nothing
picking young fruit or vegetables