1. it is, isn't it?; I know, right?; innit?
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Examples (26 in total)
You need a towel, don't you?
Intuition is important, isn't that right?
Mary is intelligent, isn't she?
The world is unfair, isn't it?
That's a compliment, right?
Tomorrow is Monday, isn't it?
You're really full of curiosity, aren't you?
Tom is extroverted, isn't he?
You like rain, don't you?
Boys are all morons, eh...
You're a student here, aren't you?
Pink is a cute colour, isn't it?
Mary is a famous actress, isn't she?
That's Tom's car, isn't it?
She's your aunt, isn't she?
Tom is a terrible golfer, isn't he?
He's weird, in a good way.
Tom is a determined boy, isn't he?
Convenience stores are more expensive than supermarkets.
Tom is a coffee addict, isn't he?
Mary is very liberal, isn't she?
Coffee and chocolate go really well together, don't they?
Moominvalley is very beautiful, isn't it?
This soup is really delicious, right?
Tom is your husband's middle name, isn't it?
"Today's Tuesday, right?" "Yeah." "Why's it so crowded?"