Ryukyuan food; Ryukyuan cuisine
Ryukyu Islands; southern chain of the Nansei Islands comprising Okinawa Prefecture
Okinawan kobudo; traditional martial arts of the Ryukyu Islands
Invasion of Ryukyu (1609)
Okinawan scale (hemitonic pentatonic scale: do, mi, fa, so, ti)
sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas); potato (Solanum tuberosum)
Disposition of Ryukyu; forced assimilation of Okinawa into Japan, ending its tributary relations with China and abolishing the Ryukyu Kingdom (1872-1879)
Government of the Ryukyu Islands (1952-1972)
luchu pine (Pinus luchuensis); Okinawa pine
Assam indigo (Strobilanthes cusia)
whitetail dascyllus (Dascyllus aruanus); humbug dascyllus; banded dascyllus; white-tailed damselfish
Habenaria longitentaculata (species of bog orchid)
Pacific swallow (Hirundo tahitica)
Ryukyu sweetfish (Plecoglossus altivelis ryukyuensis)
Kandelia obovata (species of mangrove)