1. elegance; grace; refinement; class; dignity
2. article; item
3. counter for items (of food, etc.); counter for dishes or courses (at a restaurant)
sometimes pronounced ぴん
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (260 in total)
dignity; quality; grace; panache; level
elegant; refined; polished; high-quality goods; first-class article
gift; premium; prize (lottery drawing, pachinko, etc.); party favor (favour)
vulgar; indecent; coarse; crude
quality (of a product or a service)
parts; accessories; components
manufactured goods; finished goods; product
short piece (of music, writing); small work (painting, sculpture, etc.); literary sketch; small article; small item
plunder; spoils; booty; loot
kind (of goods); brand; (taxonomical) form; breed; cultivar
betrothal gift
work (e.g. book, film, composition, etc.); opus; performance; production
spoils of war; booty; war trophy; something one managed to obtain or buy (at a bargain sale, merchandise stall, etc.); purchases; prizes (at an arcade, etc.)
foodstuff; groceries
lost articles
inferior goods; faulty item
top quality products
refined; genteel; graceful; decent
munitions; military stores
stock number (of item); part number; PN
commodity; article of commerce; goods; stock; merchandise
piece of evidence; evidence
medicine; chemicals
ornament; decoration
food; food products; foodstuffs
trial product; prototype model
elegance; refinement; grace; aroma
(item of) equipment; accessories (bike, auto)
prize; trophy
furnishings; implements; equipment
work of art
cosmetics; toilet articles
high-class item
work (object) of art
valuable article; valuables
refined; genteel; graceful; decent
refined; genteel; graceful; decent
daily necessities
articles; supplies; parts
consumable goods
curio; antique
things at hand; personal belongings
local specialty; special product (of a region)
first-class goods
dignity; grace; nobility; grade; quality; fineness
jewelry; jewellery
finished product; finished goods; completed article
inferior goods; defective product; defective goods
medical and pharmaceutical products; medicinal supplies; drugs; pharmaceuticals; medicine
vulgar; crude; tacky
handicraft; industrial art object
necessities; necessary article; requisite; essentials
luxury grocery item (e.g. alcohol, coffee, tea, tobacco); indulgence; something consumed for taste or stimulant effect rather than nourishment
item; commodity; list of articles
to be refined (character, manners); to be classy; to be polished
defective item; defective product; defective merchandise
fake goods; imitations
souvenir; memento
article specially made to order; made-to-measure (custom-made) article
daily supplies; daily necessities; household items; housewares
unrefined (character, manners); mean; vulgar; bad taste; lacking style
luxury item
ready-made goods; off-the-shelf item
imported goods
(free) sample; promotional gift
substitute article; back-up
substitute article; back-up
goods on display; (an) exhibit; exhibition (of goods)
fine product; masterpiece
refined; genteel; graceful; decent
goods on the market
properly; in a good manner; sophisticatedly; seemly; in a dignified way
processed goods; finished goods
brand items; brand-name goods
famous product; widely known (local) specialty
secondhand article; secondhand goods; used item
limited stocks; limited lines; limited supplies
accessory; fittings; appurtenances
copy; reproduction; replica; facsimile
article for everyday use; domestic article
(moral) conduct; behaviour; behavior; deportment
disused article
gift; present
artifact; excavated article; archaeological find
leather goods (products)
clothing; articles of clothing; apparel
imported article; imported goods
(article of) folk craft
bargain goods
small present; trifling gift; gift given out by companies to customers as a token of gratitude; marketing incentive; (arch.) inferior goods; (arch.) low-quality article
medical supplies
exported goods
contraband (goods); prohibited goods
fine article; good-quality item; quality product
imitation; similar article; similar goods
loot; plunder; booty
smuggled goods
oeuvre; complete works
product name; name of an article
grave goods; burial accessories
genuine product; officially licensed product; non-counterfeit article
everyday necessities; daily necessities
knockoff; counterfeit goods
collected item; artifact (in museum, etc.)
counterfeit goods; knock-off; imitation
free food sample
domestic goods
in-house manufactured goods
ordered goods
special grade article; superfine brand
thank you gift; gift given as thanks for a favor or for attending a funeral, etc.; gift sent from a locality to a tax payer as part of the "hometown tax" program
government-issued goods
standardized article or goods; standardised article or goods
article (in a collection, etc.); piece
part of speech
(possibly) defective item; as-is item; item sold as is
military stores; munitions of war
office supplies; stationery
goods offered to a person in distress
personal effects
sample article; sample item; demonstration model
part; parts
manufactured goods
genuine product; official product; accessory product from the manufacturer of the main product
custom-made article; specially made article
reference materials; specimen for reference; reference item; specimen
stone artifact; article made of stone
top-quality article
art works, traditional artifacts and antiques; artistic handicrafts; decorative art
purchased item; purchased goods; (a) purchase
general-purpose item; multi-purpose thing; generic product
broken product; faulty product
inventory; goods on hand
exhibit; articles on display; showpiece
wooden products
counterfeit goods; fake; (a) forgery
handicrafts; hand-crafted goods
bargain or clearance goods (esp. of imperfect produce)
article for sale at auction; lot
loot; booty; plunder; spoils
first-class article
article offered at a bargain price
natural foods; organic food
comfort article
imperfect product (sold at a discounted price); defect merchandise
imperfect product (sold at a discounted price); defect merchandise
imperfect product (sold at a discounted price); defect merchandise
present; gift
monopoly goods
personal effects; hand baggage
bargain item
improved product
non-standard product; non-standard goods
like-new item; used item in mint condition; beautiful item
paper products
articles of commerce
new old stock; NOS; unused goods of old manufacture
popular product
main parts; main components
unused item; never-used item
current product (currently available or on the market); existing product
duty-free articles
articles disposed of or sold off by the government
low class; poor quality
household articles
thing bartered; trade-in; substitute; replacement; exchange
supplies; stock; stored goods
grade; quality
low-priced goods
choice article; item of excellent quality; masterpiece
preserved foodstuffs
smuggled goods; contraband
superior articles
contraband (goods)
personal effects or belongings
electrical component
rare article; rare item
unfinished goods
inferior goods
unredeemed article; forfeited item
fair average quality
work in progress; WIP; goods in process
work in progress; WIP; goods in process
must-have; indispensable item; necessities
average-quality article
foreign good; foreign product
Western-style apparel and accessories; haberdashery
quasi-drug; medicated products; quasi-medicine; product with relatively mild medicinal effect, sold in general stores as well as pharmacies
selling something for the first time; item on sale for the first time
handicraft object; piece of handicraft work
high-quality article
spares; reserve supply
rejected goods; rejected article; reject; seconds; second; off-grade goods
high-grade merchandise
goods in stock or on hand or in one's possession
donation; contribution; an offering
article offered at a bargain price (mainly of imperfect produce)
movie in which ... has the starring role
generic (drug); me-too (drug)
reclaimed goods
reprocessed goods
substitute article
distressed goods
refined or finished goods
controlled or regulated item
economical product; economy-sized goods
choice goods
priming materials
generic product
contents; contained items
manufactured article
article of average quality; common article
bargain goods; sale items
patented article or articles; patented invention
fishery product
bulk goods
freight; cargo
faulty product; faulty goods; consolation prize
faulty product; faulty goods; consolation prize
reproduction; replica; facisimile; reconstruction
(used) item of average quality
seized property
consumer goods
lost article
composite goods
duty-free goods
collateral security
taxable goods
hoarded goods
bed and bedding
recycled goods
fragile article
good bargain
genuine article
standard tables of food composition in Japan
health supplement; dietary supplement
star duckweed (Lemna trisulcata); ivy duckweed
quality assurance; QA
goods in transit; stock yet to arrive
drug included in the Japanese Pharmacopoeia
competing goods; rival products
original drug; originator drug
vintage item
returned goods
reject (item); discard
Examples (8 in total)
This shop carries men's clothing.
We use only the best brand of wine.
They are trying to drive Japanese goods out of the market.