1. long
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (118 in total)
patient; unhurried; leisurely
to have a long life; to live a long time
long; drawn-out; very long
long, kimono-like garment, made of light fabric and worn under the kimono; under-kimono
long; (for a) long time
long-armed; kleptomania(c)
oblong; vertical writing style (e.g. on envelopes); portrait orientation
oblong brazier
long day (esp. of spring)
azure-winged magpie (Cyanopica cyana); long-tailed
long-lasting; long-wearing; wears well; nagamochi; large oblong chest (for clothing, personal effects, etc.)
long epic song with shamisen accompaniment (developed in Edo in the early 17th century)
tenement house; row house
leather boots; rubber boots; wellingtons; wellies; long boots; high boots
long time; many years
to be prolonged; to drag on
long night (esp. of autumn)
oval-faced; long-faced
long; eternal
longevity; long life
long road; far journey
long distance; long time
long spell of rain
Chinese yam (Dioscorea batatas)
long stretch; long haul; marathon; long scene (in a play); long act
to eagerly look forward to
lasting long; continuation; keeping at (something); sticking to (something)
tedious; lengthy; overlong; long-winded
long visit; overstaying
to be too long
tedious; lengthy; overlong; long-winded
ninth month of the lunar calendar; September
longer type of wakizashi (short sword); gambler
long-winded speech
Nagato (former province located in the west of present-day Yamaguchi Prefecture)
long handle; long-handled spear; long shaft
long and thin
Nagata-chō (Japan's political center; equiv. of Downing Street)
long illness; protracted illness
wooden board on which utensils for a tea ceremony are displayed
forever; everlastingly; for many years to come; ever
couch; bench; ottoman
Nagasaki (city, prefecture)
longish; moderately long; somewhat long; fairly long
long trip
long slits (esp. of eyes)
long sleeves
Nagano (city, prefecture)
long spear; pike
oblong; landscape orientation
something long; useless things; white elephant; boondoggle
long, kimono-like garment, made of light fabric and worn under the kimono; under-kimono
long, kimono-like garment, made of light fabric and worn under the kimono; under-kimono
long, kimono-like garment, made of light fabric and worn under the kimono; under-kimono
to eagerly look forward to
to eagerly look forward to
long telephone conversation; being on the phone for a long time
long, leisurely bath
long (i.e. full-length) pants (as opposed to shorts)
long press (of a button)
long road; far journey
long road; far journey
long road; far journey
traditional Japanese poem with verses of five and seven morae repeated at least three times, usu. ending with a verse of seven; long epic song with shamisen accompaniment (developed in Kyoto in the late 16th century)
scallion; shallot; green onion; spring onion
sword with a very long grip
long socks; long sox; stockings; hose
long wallet
long night
possessing a long torso
rubber boots
Battle of Nagashino (1575)
long-tailed tit (Aegithalos caudatus); long-tailed bushtit
long kimono; ankle-length traditional Japanese garment
neither one thing nor the other; (lit.) too short for a belt, too long for a sleeve tie
polecat (Mustela putorius); ferret; fitch
Nagaoka-kyō (capital of Japan 784-794)
waders (waterproof pants often fitted with boots, used mostly by fishermen)
long take (film-making); continuous shot
longish; moderately long; long side (of timber, etc.); (arch.) long road
fin whale; finback (whale); razorback whale (Balaenoptera physalus)
albacore (Thunnus alalunga); germon
walking a long distance
to be patient
fairly high shoes
stretched dried abalone (used as a betrothal gift)
Kayan people
long, slender eggplant
long, slender eggplant
long period of time
rice grasshopper
wasp spider (Argiope bruennichi)
spear squid (Loligo bleekeri)
Ryukyu long-haired rat (Diplothrix legata)
art is long, life is short; ars longa, vita brevis
Laminaria longissima (species of kelp)
median wasp (Dolichovespula media)
perplexed spindle (species of sea snail, Fusinus perplexus)
screaming hairy armadillo (Chaetophractus vellerosus); small screaming armadillo; crying armadillo; small hairy armadillo
African slender-snouted crocodile (Crocodylus cataphractus)
long-nosed mole (Euroscaptor longirostris)
spinner dolphin (Stenella longirostris)
Indian long pepper (Piper longum); longpepper
woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius)
mould mite (Tyrophagus putrescentiae); cheese mite
Nagahara Station (Osaka)
Nagata Station (Osaka)
Nagaura Station (Chiba)
Nagao Station (Osaka)
Naganuma Station
Tominaga Dam
Naganuma Dam