1. messenger
2. police and judicial chief (Heian and Kamakura periods)
3. klesha (polluting thoughts such as greed, hatred and delusion, which result in suffering)
Alt. forms
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (43 in total)
purpose for which money is spent; the way money is spent; how goods are used
mission; errand; task; duty; obligation
messenger; envoy; emissary
truce bearer
official during the ritsuryo period who was allowed to use the state-provided stables and horses
use; application; employment; utilization; utilisation
employee; servant
apostle; disciple
use; exercise (of one's right, authority, power, etc.)
setting (someone) to work; employment; using; causative (verb, etc.)
exploitation; overuse; abuse
envoy; ambassador; delegate; emissary; mission
imperial envoy; imperial messenger
envoy; diplomat below the rank of ambassador (e.g. deputy chief of mission, charge d'affaires); minister (of legation)
used (ticket, stamp, etc.); spent (fuel, battery, etc.)
messenger of god; divine messenger
messenger of god; divine messenger
express messenger
directions; instructions; usage method
after use; after occurring
amount used
senior envoy; chief delegate
vice-envoy; deputy delegate
labour and management; labor and management
shogun's envoy; emissary
Ryukyuan mission to Edo upon the change of the Ryukyuan King
accredited Chinese envoy to neighbouring kingdoms
accredited Chinese envoy to neighbouring kingdoms
early-Meiji administrative unit for Hokkaido (1869-1882)
example of use; usage example; use example
servant; janitor; messenger
giving orders to someone and making use of him; servant
jiedushi; regional military governor in ancient China
unused item; never-used item
Ryukyuan mission to Edo upon the change of the shogun
Korean delegation to Japan (Edo period)
imperial messenger to a shrine; envoy returning courtesies
traveling inspectors sent by the Shogun in the Edo period
evil angels