1. eating
2. bite (in fishing)
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (70 in total)
to bite into (e.g. rope into skin); to cut into; to eat into; to encroach; to be wedged (i.e. underwear pulled from the back, driving it between the buttocks)
to check; to hold back; to keep at bay; to stop; to prevent; to stem
to set one's teeth; to clench one's teeth; to grit one's teeth
to check; to hold back; to keep at bay; to stop; to prevent; to stem
to bite at; to snap at; to jump at (e.g. an offer); to snap at; to hold on to; to cling to
food; foodstuff; prey; victim
to not match well (e.g. at the seams); to not mesh properly (of gears); to differ (e.g. of opinions); to clash; to be in conflict (e.g. with the facts)
to hang on to; to hang from; to hound; to keep after (someone); to grab the front of the opponent's mawashi, place one's head against their chest, and lower one's hips
to eat into
to not match well (e.g. at the seams); to not mesh properly (of gears); to differ (e.g. of opinions); to clash; to be in conflict (e.g. with the facts)
glutton; gourmand
to miss a meal; to lose the means to make one's livelihood
difference; disagreement; conflict; clash; discrepancy; inconsistency
bringing ruin upon oneself by extravagance in food
to devour; to bite to death
to bite off
difference; disagreement; conflict; clash; discrepancy; inconsistency
cost of one's food; one's board
cannibalism; biting (someone); man-eating (e.g. tiger); cannibalistic
to bite and tear; to bite a hole in
to go broke
to bite through; to eat up; to consume entirely
glutton; gourmand
worm-eaten; moth-eaten; holes eaten in clothing, leaves, etc. by caterpillars, moths, etc.; leaf warbler (any bird of genus Phylloscopus); chiffchaff
to consume
being attracted by physical looks only; person who puts much store by good looks
substantiality (of a meal); fillingness; solidity
to eat oneself out of house and home; to eat up completely
to leave food half-eaten
food expenses
to eat up and spoil (e.g. crops); to eat away; to eat a bit of everything; to encroach upon; to take over
to eat too much; to overeat
leaving a restaurant without paying; dine and dash; bilking
to ration out and survive on (some food); to eke out a living
not eating enough; unsatisfied; dissatisfied with; leaving something to be desired
food and drink; eating and drinking
bite (in fishing)
to miss a meal; to lose the means to make one's livelihood
to bite each other; to fit together; to mutually encroach; to eat together
gourmand; epicure
digging into (e.g. one's skin); cutting into; inroads (e.g. into a market); encroachment (e.g. on territory); deficit; loss
combination (e.g. of foodstuffs); dovetailing; fitting together
stuffing oneself with food; eating enough to go without food for some time
to eat untidily; to eat a bit of everything; to dabble (in something); to try one's hand at various things
missing a meal
binge eating
game in which a dangling piece of bread is grabbed in the mouth and raced to the finish line (in school sports festivals)
hanger-on; dependent; someone who is received coldly; third, fourth, fifth, etc. sons (during the Edo period when only the oldest male could inherit an estate)
eating like a dog; sloppy eating; (arch.) dog fighting
losing the means of livelihood; (arch.) a samurai's annual rice stipend being suspended; (in fishing) the fish swimming upward after biting the fishhook
to bilk; to eat up one's fortune
seductress; coquette; minx
fish biting (striking, taking bait)
womanizer; philanderer; playboy
to keep alive on; to stretch food to make ends meet
bark beetle (Scolytidae spp.); gribble (Limnoria lignorum)
money-eating; expensive; extravagant
rice weevil
weaning ceremony
in season; at its best; ready for eating
to clench
to nibble at; to have a smattering of knowledge
rumination; cud
biting one another; long and short market interests