1. power; authority; might; influence; dignity; majesty
Alt. forms
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (32 in total)
dignity; majesty; solemnity; gravity
power; might; authority; spirits; vigor; vigour
tyranny; abuse of power; violence (e.g. of a storm)
(pitcher's) stuff
majesty; dignity
coercion; overpowering; to overpower; to overawe; to daunt
authority; power; influence
god's majesty; god's authority; might of Heaven
fury; power; menace
prestige; dignity
authority and force
military power
dignity; majesty; dignified manner
bragging; showing off; pride
mysterious power
force; power; influence
virtue and influence; virtue and authority
imperial authority; imperial majesty
person who swaggers about under borrowed authority; small man acting arrogantly through borrowed authority; (lit.) a fox that borrows the authority of a tiger
fame; prestige
bluffing; bluster; bravado
powerful spirit; power of the emperor
authority; power
benevolence and strictness
arrogant person; overbearing person; self-important person; braggart; boaster
most hallowed grounds (of a sacred site in Okinawa)
awe into submission
intense heat (of the sun)
military power
influence of Buddhism; power of Buddhism