1. instar (developmental stage of arthropods)
2. age; years
Alt. forms
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (22 in total)
young (usu. of a woman); blooming; in the prime of youth; with a charm appropriate to one's age
advanced age; senility
school age
advanced age; old age
actual age; true age
aging; ageing; adding to one's years
of the same age; age-matched
age of the Moon; number of days since the new moon; age in months (esp. of an infant)
oldest; most advanced age
aged; elderly
in the prime of manhood
age of a warship
life expectancy
chronological age
long life; age; life
extreme population aging (ageing)
age in days; number of days old
embryonic age; fetal age; foetal age
middle and advanced age