1. completely using up ...; running out of ...; exhausting ...
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (49 in total)
to be torn off; to come off; to be torn to pieces; to be torn to shreds
to break off; to come to an end; to be interrupted; to be cut short; to pause
pieces; scraps; disconnected
break; pause; interruption; intermission
to be enraged; to flip out
small piece (e.g. of cloth)
to have tears in one's eyes; to be unable to stop crying
small pieces; fragments; chopped meat; scraps (of beef, pork, etc.)
piece of paper; slip of paper; strip of paper; scrap of paper
snapping back (at someone); lashing out (despite being in the wrong); counterblast; counteroffensive; backlash
to be enraged; to flip out
stick; piece of wood; billet; piece of a broken pole
bamboo chip
old cloth; old rags
fall of the curtain; last scene; end of act
running out of battery; battery depletion; going flat; loss of energy; depletion of stamina
gap between the clouds
being out of time; passing the deadline; time-out
snapping back (at someone); lashing out (despite being in the wrong); counterblast; counteroffensive; backlash
out of bullets
piece of cloth
being truly angry
piece of wood (cut from a larger piece); chip of wood; block of wood
same cloth; spare cloth (e.g. for patching)
shortness of breath; panting; puffing; running out of steam (e.g. economy); losing momentum
feel when biting; manner of enunciation
out of stock; sold out
running out of energy; running out of strength
expiration of a term; becoming overdue
severing of connections or relations
looking furious; looking like one's about to blow their top
(being) out of stock
to have tears in one's eyes; to be unable to stop crying
run out of
losing one's cool; blowing one's top
dead link; linkrot
instantly exploding into a rage; sudden outburst
power (supply) cutoff
getting irked; getting slightly ticked off
remnants (cloth)
patch (for mending clothes, fabric, etc.)
fragments from the old literary work kept at Koyasan
control break
sound drop-out (e.g. in audio equipment)
drying up (of the surface of a riverbed)