1. taking; taker; collecting; collector; remover; removal
2. last performer of the day (usu. the star performer); last performance of the day
3. active partner (e.g. in judo demonstration)
4. emphatic or formal prefix
before a verb
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (175 in total)
arrow collector (at an archery range); collecting arrows
nursing; caring for the sick; deathwatch; attendance at a deathbed
shōchū made from sake lees; low-quality moonshine (esp. post-WWII); hooch (hootch)
followers; hangers-on
etori (classic Japanese card game)
key performer; last performer of the day
mosquito repellent
clothing to absorb dampness after bathing; yukata; twice-boiled rice (for sick persons); (arch.) scoop for removing bilge water; (arch.) bailer
gathering evidence (e.g. to back a news story); getting the facts; obtaining supporting evidence
user's manual; instruction manual
first of all; at once; right away; for now; for the time being
worth; merit; value; good point; redeeming feature; saving grace
measuring worm; inchworm; looper (caterpillar)
transactions; dealings; business
bird catcher; bird handler (oft. chicken); bird catching; bird handling (oft. chicken)
accredited master (of a performing art); being famous; being popular; famous person
shiritori; word-chain game; word game in which players must give a word starting with the last syllable of the word given by the previous player
chamfering; beveling; bevelling; rounding the edges (of a vegetable); trimming the corners
giving and taking; exchange (of letters); arguing back and forth; (conversational) exchange
cat's cradle
wrestler; rikishi
catching flies; fly-catcher; flytrap; jumping spider
heir; heiress; inheritor; successor
ranking wrestler in the makuuchi (senior-grade) or juryo (junior-grade) divisions
especially; above all; inter alia; among others
namely; that is (to say); in other words
listening comprehension; aural comprehension; hearing what others say; gathering information, opinions, etc.; public hearing
stripping; skinning; tearing; removing
insect catching; bug catching
high salary earner; high income earner; well-paid employee; highly-paid; in the top salary bracket
mousetrap; rattrap; rat poison; speed trap
traveling around getting seal stamps (travelling)
layering (a plant)
investigation (e.g. by police or prosecutors); examination; inquiry; enquiry
purchase; buying; buying used articles as a company; trade-in; purchase on a no-return policy; lump-sum payment
recovery; undoing; recall
fatal; deadly; mortal
receiving; receipt
treatment; service; handling; management
control; management; supervision
decision; agreement
agency; commission; reception (of guests); conveyance (of messages)
one's share; one's portion
leaving; accepting
scramble; struggle
coherence; order; focus; point
collection (e.g. of a debt); dunning; selection (for a position); exceptional promotion; fresh; freshly picked
steering; helmsman; coxswain; guidance; leadership; leader
an assortment; combination
hemming; bordering
debt collection; debt collector
thief; robber
talk (of the town); rumour; rumor; gossip
currying favour; being anxious to please; bootlicker
bout (in sports, etc.); match; effort; initiative; dealing with
skylight; dormer; transom; dormer window
(ease of) handling; operation; arrangement (of pipes, wires, etc.); layout; wrestler's belt used in a bout
staking out (in advance; e.g. a seat or a spot); saving a place; reserving a location
taking in; bringing in; capturing (e.g. customers); attracting; confusion; bustle
weeding; weeder; weeding fork
swap; exchange
collecting; collection; collation; gathering; arrangement; coordination
cancellation; suspension
wrestler; rikishi
bid for popularity; publicity stunt
recipient; receiver; skilled practitioner (of judo, sumo, etc.); person who picks up the cards (in karuta games)
port (side of a ship)
to; for; from the standpoint of; as far as ... is concerned
installation; mounting; furnishing; run (on a bank); bank run
faultfinding; carping; quibbling; cavilling; caviling
as much as one can take or carry away
mediation; intermediation; procuration; entertainment; treatment; reception
taking a wife
children's game in which the aim is to occupy the other's home base; taking a place; securing a position
gathering edible wild plants
adoption; acceptance; confiscation; midwifery; midwife
rule over the whole country
cutting; tearing off; cutting (for a railroad, highway, etc.); cut; robbery with assault; burglary
musical chairs
way of taking (e.g. photographs); manner of taking; how to take
currying favour; being anxious to please; bootlicker
adopting a son-in-law into one's family; marrying off one's daughter
taking in; harvesting
policeman's rope (used for restraining criminals)
way of handling
leading a horse, cow, etc.; groom; horse boy; hors d'oeuvre; appetizer
intending to persuade someone and instead being persuaded oneself; going for wool and coming home shorn; the biter bit; (lit.) the mummy hunter himself becomes a mummy
reading (e.g. by a scanner)
taking up; winding; rolled paper
saving a seat (e.g. by leaving something on it); holding a seat (for a friend, etc.); reserving a place
(arch.) archer (esp. a samurai); (arch.) (skilled) archer; (arch.) bowman; (arch.) dominion of a whole province by a military family; bow-twirling ceremony at the end of a day of sumo wrestling
competition for school marks; keeping score; score
fishing, esp. using a net or trap; catching fish
flea powder; flea medicine; flea medication; getting rid of fleas; killing fleas
technique; techniques
key performer; last performer of the day
key performer; last performer of the day
order-taking; salesperson
servant in charge of footwear
taking the lead; leadership; leader; chorus leader
bill collection; bill collector
growing older; aging ceremony (on New Year's Eve or the last night of winter)
incense burner; utensil for carrying live charcoal
rematch (e.g. in sumo when the match is too close to decide)
making an appointment
counting; counting game
charcoal scuttle
salaried employee
above all; especially
card to pick up (in card games); card that is picked up by players instead of read (in karuta); card printed with the second half of a poem (in karuta)
wrinkle reduction; rhytidoplasty
seed-raising; breeding; gathering news
excessive intake (e.g. coffee); overbooking
day laborer; day labourer; journeyman
karuta game in which players race to grab cards associated with a given reading
mushroom gathering
removing; clearing (away); demolishing
low-ranking unsalaried wrestler (ranked below juryo)
load; eject button
capturing a bishop
prisoner's base (children's game); (arch.) man-eating monster
brokering; broker; handing materials up a ladder (to a plasterer); assistant who hands things up a ladder (to a plasterer); pole used to hand things up a ladder
pouring ladle
stablehand; groom
share; portion
water-drawing ceremony (performed at Tōdaiji on March 13); rite of drawing sacred water
sequential sampling inspection (with reposition)
silk reeling; silk spinning; filature; silk reeler; silk spinner
footwear carrier; servant who carried his master's footwear
portion; one's share
ozeki wrestler's attempt to reach the rank of yokozuna; being eligible for promotion to yokozuna
ankle pick
spot removal, esp. from the skin; spot remover (carpets, etc.)
defrost; defrosting
bailer (boat)
bill collector
rice powder
undergarment designed to soak up sweat
chart used to keep track of a wrestler's records during the tournament
rear toe pick
tar, nicotine stain removal
borrowing pit (in flood prevention)
renting out space for gambling and charging a commission on the proceeds; person who rents out space for gambling
getting advance notice of planned Diet questions
(manufacturing) fixtures
pearl fishing; pearl diver
particularly; in particular; especially
arbitrage; long-short trade; pairs trade; brokerage; brokering
getting something for nothing
it is wiser to make money steadily over time; light gains make heavy purse; (lit.) better small takings than a large win
geometer moth caterpillar; geometrid caterpillar (of subfamily Ennominae)
stored message fetching; MS
optical character reader; OCR
structure retrieval
Magnetic Character Reader; MCR
instruction fetch cycle
night-soil man; night-soil woman; removal of night-soil
securities exchange; stock exchange; bourse
divination based on laying out various items before a toddler and predicting his future based the items chosen
talented wrestler; good at manipulating (others); crafty person
downing an opponent by grabbing his leg
perception; grasp
taking a wife by kidnapping a woman passing by on the road