1. nature; disposition; temperament; character
2. quality
3. that which does not change according to external influences
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (31 in total)
nature; character; disposition
resourcefulness; ability (esp. to earn a living); dependability; reliability
affinity; compatibility; chemistry (between people)
true character; real nature
very much; intensely; overwhelmingly; excessively; irresistibly; without any obvious reason
disposition; temperament; temper; nature
nature; disposition
nervous temperament; worrier's disposition
perseverance; determination; tenacity; energy
ill-natured; inconstancy
intrinsic goodness
parsimonious spirit; tendency to be frugal; inclination to scrimp and save; tendency to fuss over trivial things; worrier's disposition
endurance; perseverance; patience
fastidiousness; enthusiasm for one thing; meticulousness; susceptibility for a stiffening of the shoulders
nervous temperament; worry habit; pessimistic nature; pessimism
dharmata (dharma nature, the true nature of all manifest phenomena)
ingrained habit; second nature
obsession with cleanliness; fastidiousness
fickle nature; flighty temperament; inconstant person
mercifulness; compassion
self-awareness; consciousness of one's own character
purity measure for gold; karat; carat; personality of a person born under the element of fire
fluidity; wanton
fatty constitution
bashful; shy
evil nature; licentiousness; lewdness
dry or chapped skin
tendency to be obese
greediness; avariciousness