Usually written in kana
1. relying entirely on ...; using solely ...
after a noun
2. with the sole purpose of ...
3. based on (mutual consent, etc.)
Irregular okurigana
Kanji used
completely exhaust
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (12 in total)
all sorts of; all kinds of
completely black; black from top to bottom; black from head to toe
(brute) force; using all one's might
calculated; premeditated; considered
main force; brute force; strong-arm
carrying out mercenary deeds; having a mercenary attitude; calculating
obstinacy; stubbornness
calculating, profit-or-loss mentality
using money as a weapon; power of money
mercenary; calculative; greedy; commercial-minded; venal
bum; slacker; good-for-nothing; loser