1. network
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (77 in total)
(meshes of) the law; net of the law; justice
round-up (e.g. of criminals); wholesale arrest; catching the whole herd with one throw
encompassing; covering (exhaustively); including (all of); comprising; comprehending
intelligence or information network
netlike; mesh-like; reticulated; vascular
heaven's vengeance; heaven's net
greater omentum; caul
network element
network resource; network resources
encirclement; encircling net; tight besiegement
communications network
contact network; phone tree; contact information for relevant people (in a given organization)
(barbed) wire entanglements
surveillance network
transportation network; transport network; traffic network
railroad network; railroad system
(biological) neural network; neural circuit; nerve network
wire mesh net; net made out of metal wire
espionage network; intelligence network
distribution network; distribution channels
(police) dragnet
observation network
sales network
electricity supply network; transmission network; power grid
supply network; supply chain; distribution network
road network; highway network; highway network system
broadcasting network
lesser omentum
telephone network
branch store network
line network; trunk network
electrical distribution network; power grid
safety net; cowcatcher (train or streetcar)
network management
safety net; security net
public network
integrated services digital network; ISDN
transit network (telecommunications, networking); relay network
physical (telephone) network
access network
ISDN; integrated services digital network
data network
packet exchange network
virtual private network
virtual private network
VPN; Virtual Private Network
fully-connected network
ring network; loop
common channel signalling network
switching network
public wireline network
public telephone network
wide area network
test network
signalling network
linear network
Integrated Services Digital Network; ISDN
Integrated Services Digital Network; ISDN
network stability
network efficiency
network identifier
NCU; Network Control Unit
tree network
reticular formation
seismic network; seismic array
abnormal cerebrovascular network in the cerebral basal region
insect net; mosquito net
Optical Transport Network; OTN
Examples (1 in total)
This computer network is, as it were, the nervous system of the company.