1. spirit; psyche
2. god; deity; divinity; kami
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (50 in total)
devil; evil spirit; genie
heavenly god; heavenly gods; spirit of Sugawara no Michizane; Tenmangu shrine (dedicated to Michizane's spirit); pit of a dried plum; dried plum; tenjin hairstyle
god of thunder
votive objects for a home shrine; ritual article
Buddhist temple within a Shinto shrine; temple attached to a shrine
supernatural power; divine power; magical power
Shinto shrine
dragon god; dragon king; naga
four Taoist gods said to reign over the four directions; four gods said to reign over the four seasons
fierce god
ancient time; age of the gods
Shinto ritual
a water god
divine power; sacred power; mysterious power
guardian deity
great god; gracious deity; miracle-working god
god of war; (fig.) war hero
divine generals who protect pilgrims, etc.
miraculous god; wonder-working god
wind god
messenger of god; divine messenger
water offered to God; water drunk before an altar to symbolize the making of a vow; miracle-working water; water which gathers in the nodes of bamboo after falling as rain at noon on the 5th day of the 5th month (lunar calendar), thought to be effective when used in medicines
evil god
god of fortune
gate of a (Shinto) shrine
earth god; earth deity
god who spreads infectious diseases; god of pestilence
Ten'ichijin; Nakagami; god of fortune in Onmyōdō who descends to the northeast on the 46th day of the sexagenary cycle and completes a clockwise circuit, spending five days on each cardinal point and six days on each ordinal point, returning to heaven from the north on the 30th day of the next sexagenary cycle; travelling in the direction of Ten'ichijin is considered unlucky
ancestor worshipped as a deity
mystic spell; dharani
god of harvests and wealth (syncretized with Saraswati, and often taking the form of a heavenly woman, a white snake or a fox)
deified volcano or volcanic eruption
light used as a religious offering; paper lantern (hung up near the door of performers and geishas)
Hachiman (god of war)
Buddha and gods
transferring a shintai in a portable shrine, e.g. to another shrine or to a ceremony
goddess of (lucky) directions
joy-bringing spirit from the divine realms
unimpeded bodily function (one of the six supernormal Buddhist powers)
the eight gods who preside over the lucky/unlucky directions of the koyomi for each year
transcendental deity
God of directions (generic terms referring to many different Gods)
the thirty guardian deities (a different one for each day)
traveler's guardian deity (traveller)
benevolent deities who protect the dharma
six supernormal powers
the three creator gods (Amanominakanushi no Kami, Takamimusuhi no Kami and Kamimusuhi no Kami)
five generations of earthly deities
the three guardian deities in time of war (Marici, Mahakala and Vaisravana)