1. exactly; precisely
before a number
Adjective (の)
2. correct; right; true
3. greater (of equal court ranks); upper; senior
also じょう
4. director (highest of the four administrative positions of the ritsuryo period); chief
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (51 in total)
sanity; consciousness; soberness
honest; frank; candid; honestly; frankly
front; frontage; facade; main
true character; true form; true colors (colours); consciousness; one's senses
Taishō era (1912.7.30-1926.12.25); Taisho era
path of righteousness; path of duty; right track; correct path
Tenshō era (1573.7.28-1592.12.8)
net weight; useful part; actual content; real; effective
correct practices (esp. in Jodo, the path to rebirth in paradise)
Shōwa era (1312.3.20-1317.2.3)
guest of honor; guest of honour; main guest at a tea ceremony
price tag; price label; tag displaying a base price which cannot be reduced by negotiation
Shōtoku era (1711.4.25-1716.6.22)
true dharma; true teachings of Buddha; age of the true law (one of the three ages of Buddhism)
Aryavalokitesvara (manifestation of Avalokitesvara)
true; authentic; genuine
book of registration; text of a play
genuine autograph; genuine article
Shōhei era (of the Southern Court) (1346.12.8-1370.7.24)
specie; bullion; cash
right mindfulness; true faith (in rebirth in the promised land)
senior grade of the third court rank
right style
first rank in the hierarchy of the government; highest rank given to a shrine
A Happy New Year!
center of a noh stage
center of a noh stage
Shōchō era (1428.4.27-1429.9.5)
(on) the hour
right view
genuine article
Kanshō era (1460.12.21-1466.2.28)
seat of honor; seat of honour
right concentration
authentic text (as opposed to a copy or duplicate)
Bunshō era (1466.2.28-1467.3.5)
man in good health between 21 and 60 years of age to whom applied various corvee and taxes (under the ritsuryo system)
The evil persons are the right object of Amida's salvation; The evil persons have the unique opportunity to go to heaven
Shōō era (1288.4.28-1293.8.5)
downstage center (noh)
meat (esp. chicken) without bones, skin or excess fat
revealing or demonstrating the truth
Shōgen era (1259.3.26-1260.4.13)
Wrong and right are but two faces of the same coin
right action; correct meditative activity (in Jodo, saying the name of Amitabha)
first adding of charcoal to the fire (tea ceremony)
direct retribution; body and mind one is born into because of karma in previous lives
wheat starch
correct meaning; original meaning; true heart