1. miscellany (classification of Japanese poetry unrelated to the seasons or to love)
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (12 in total)
house-cloth; dust cloth
common soldier; private; rank and file; small fry; underling
soup containing rice cakes and vegetables (New Year's dish)
assorted colors; assorted colours
building (esp. a house); house fixture; fitting; facial features
tradesman (in the ritsuryō system)
chores; odd jobs; miscellaneous affairs; miscellaneous expenses
various kinds of small trees; assorted trees
abusive language; foul language
low-call people
various forms of arts (e.g. acrobatics, magic, puppetry, sarugaku acrobatics performance); miscellaneous songs popular from the end of the Heian period to the Kamakura period
foul language; abusive language