1. house of parliament (congress, diet, etc.)
2. graduate school; postgraduate school
3. institution (often medical); institutional building; government office
4. sub-temple; minor temple building; temple; cloister
5. imperial palace
6. title bestowed on empresses, princesses, etc.
7. former (esp. of emperors, daimyos, etc.); late
Kanji used
Pitch accent
Top 5600
Used in vocabulary (95 in total)
hospital; clinic; doctor's office; doctor's surgery; infirmary
institute; academy
House of Peers (Japan, Meiji constitution); House of Lords (UK)
monastery; convent; cloister; abbey
Buddhist temple; religious building; church; cathedral
doctor's office; doctor's surgery; clinic
beauty parlour; beauty parlor; beauty salon; hairdressing salon
inside the House; inside the Diet; inside the hospital
drawing room; study; publishing house; writing alcove
going to the hospital for regular treatment
graduate student; insei; apprentice go professional
reformatory; juvenile training school; reform school; youth detention center (centre)
House of Representatives (lower house of the National Diet of Japan)
inner sanctuary; inner shrine; sanctum sanctorum; holy of holies; place behind main hall of a temple enshrining temple founder, miraculous Buddhas, hidden statues, etc.
monastery; temple
transfer to a different hospital; hospital transfer
conservatory; conservatoire; music academy; music school; college of music
poorhouse; almshouse; workhouse
this institution; the main institution
this institution; this parliament; this hospital; this clinic
visit to a hospital, temple, school, etc.
parliament; congress; diet; house (of parliament, etc.); chamber
Privy Council (abolished in 1947)
House of Councillors (upper house of the National Diet of Japan)
dental clinic; dental surgery
upper house; upper legislative chamber; senate
branch (of an institution); branch hospital; branch temple
maternity hospital
lower house; lower legislative chamber
empress dowager
cloistered rule; government by cloistered emperors
osteopathic clinic
imperial command (decree); decree of cloistered emperor
science institute
both Houses of Parliament
branch temple
home for the aged; old people's home
Japan Academy; learned society; academy; institute
orphanage; nursery school
legislative decision
theological college
maternity hospital
National Personnel Authority
acupuncture and moxibustion clinic
outside congress; non-parliamentary; non-hospital (e.g. dispensary, pharmacy, treatment); outside a hospital
nunnery; convent
academy; institute
appellate court; court of appeal
bonesetter's clinic; orthopedic clinic
graduate-school graduate
academy of arts; arts academy
Hozoin-ryu (school of sojutsu)
House of Representatives (lower house of the National Diet of Japan)
stay in hospital; hospital stay
State Council (of the People's Republic of China)
reformatory; reform school
graduate school entrance examination
former emperor (or his empress, imperial princesses, etc.); posthumous Buddhist name containing the character "in"
the two houses of legislature
reception compound; part of the palace where important ceremonies were held
House of Councillors (upper house of the National Diet of Japan)
Daewongun (honorary title for the father of the king in Joseon-era Korea; esp. in ref. to Heungseon Daewongun, father of Emperor Gojong)
children's hospital; pediatric hospital
reform school; juvenile reformatory
legislature; legislative body
barbershop; barber shop
unicameral system; unicameralism
office of a retired emperor
center of the Garbhadhatu mandala (containing Mahavairocana and eight Buddhas)
office of a retired emperor
Institute of Divinities (1940-1946)
Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency; NISA
Censorate (Ming and Qing-dynasty surveillance agency)
Ospedale della Pietà
(in) each of the houses of the Japanese parliament