1. soft
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (42 in total)
softening; softening (of attitude); mollification; weakening (of the market); blanching (e.g. of vegetables; by depriving of light)
house arrest
ointment; salve
flexible; lithe; soft; pliable
cartilage; nankotsu; (dish of) gristle (usu. of chicken, deep-fried)
weak (market); bearish; soft (tone, focus) (photography)
vellus hair; down; pubescence; peach fuzz
mollusc; mollusk
mollusc; mollusk
hardness and softness; hard line and moderate line
soft (esp. of softball, tennis, etc.)
soft water
soft ball; rubber ball
softness; flexibility; elasticity
soft tissue
soft iron
loose or soft stool
soft tissue
soft palate
love story; erotic literature
weak argument
mild steel
soft pitch
pia mater (membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord)
cartilage tissue
soft-decision discriminator
velar; velar consonant
soft ray (of a fin)
molluscum contagiosum; viral infection of the skin
train ticket printed on soft paper, etc. (usu. dispensed from a vending machine as part of a roll)
soft solder
soft soap (esp. potash soap)